
Simple node server side cache for small project or tests

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


dev packages

  • Save data on the RAM.

  • The data size and quantities that can save on RAM is not well tested yet.

  • Simple node server side cache for small project or tests.

  • Use the Window.localStorage on browser like function names for readability.

  • Zero dependency on distribute.


npm i cache-that


import CacheThat from "cache-that"
const cache = new CacheThat()

const testData =  { message: "Hi there" }

// Save data
cache.setItem("customKey", testData)

// get saved data

setItem( key , data , expiredTime )

Default data keep time is forever, but you can modify this by class constructor or setItem parameter.

import CacheThat from "cache-that"

// Give default data expired time (milliseconds)
const cache = new CacheThat(5566000)

cache.setItem("foo", "Will clear the item after 5566 seconds by default.")

// Can define each item expired time
cache.setItem("bar", "I will be clean out after 1 hour", "1h")

Time format support

// Integer only

cache.setItem("Take your time", "ok", 1000)
cache.setItem("Take your time", "ok", "1000")
cache.setItem("Take your time", "ok", "1s")
cache.setItem("Take your time", "ok", "1S")
cache.setItem("Take your time", "ok", "1m")
cache.setItem("Take your time", "ok", "1M")
cache.setItem("Take your time", "ok", "1h")
cache.setItem("Take your time", "ok", "1H")
cache.setItem("Take your time", "ok", "1d")
cache.setItem("Take your time", "ok", "1H")

Display saved keys

cache.setItem("Don't", "test")
cache.setItem("stop", "test")
cache.setItem("me", "test")
cache.setItem("now", "test")
cache.setItem("!", "test")

// `keys` sould be [ "Don't", "stop", "me", "now", "!" ]
const keys = cache.listKeys()

Count saved keys

cache.setItem("Happy", "test")
cache.setItem("every", "test")
cache.setItem("after", "test")

// `counts` should be 3 
const counts = cache.countItems()

Remove Items

cache.setItem("t", "Every")
cache.setItem("t", "day")
cache.setItem("t", "is")
cache.setItem("t", "exactly")
cache.setItem("t", "the")
cache.setItem("t", "same")

// Clear all saved items

cache.setItem("what I've lost already", "reset")
cache.setItem("gray memory", "reset")
cache.setItem("our future", "reset")

// Only remove the specific one
cache.removeItem("gray memory")


npm test


See license file.