
Integrate Feathers with your Vuex store

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Vuex (Vue.js) integrated as a Feathers Client plugin


npm install feathers-vuex --save

API Documentation

There are three modules included:

  1. The Feathers module keeps a list of all services with vuex stores attached.
  2. The Service module adds a Vuex store for new services.
  3. The Auth module sets up the Vuex store for authentication / logout.

Feathers Module

The Feathers Module allows your application to peer into how the Feathers client services are setup. It includes the following state:

  services: {
    all: {}, // The same as feathersClient.services, keyed by path name.
    vuex: {} // All services that have been integrated into Vuex, keyed by path name

Service Module

The Service Module automatically sets up newly-created services into the Vuex store.

Service State

Each service comes loaded with the following default state:

    ids: [],
    keyedById: {}, // A hash map, keyed by id of each item
    currentId: undefined, // The id of the item marked as current
    copy: undefined, // A deep copy of the current item
    service, // the FeathersService
    idField: 'id',

    isFindPending: false,
    isGetPending: false,
    isCreatePending: false,
    isUpdatePending: false,
    isPatchPending: false,
    isRemovePending: false,

    errorOnfind: undefined,
    errorOnGet: undefined,
    errorOnCreate: undefined,
    errorOnUpdate: undefined,
    errorOnPatch: undefined,
    errorOnRemove: undefined

The following attributes are available in each service module's state:

  • ids {Array} - an array of plain ids representing the ids that belong to each object in the keyedById map.
  • keyedById {Object} - a hash map keyed by the id of each item.
  • currentId {Number|String} - the id of the item marked as current.
  • copy {Object} - a deep copy of the current item at the moment it was marked as current. You can make changes to the copy without modifying the current. You can then use the commitCopy mutation to save the changes as the current or rejectCopy to revert copy to once again match current.
  • service {FeathersService} - the Feathers service object
  • idField {String} - the name of the field that holds each item's id. Default: 'id'

The following state attributes allow you to bind to the pending state of requests:

  • isFindPending {Boolean} - true if there's a pending find request. false if not.
  • isGetPending {Boolean} - true if there's a pending get request. false if not.
  • isCreatePending {Boolean} - true if there's a pending create request. false if not.
  • isUpdatePending {Boolean} - true if there's a pending update request. false if not.
  • isPatchPending {Boolean} - true if there's a pending patch request. false if not.
  • isRemovePending {Boolean} - true if there's a pending remove request. false if not.

The following state attribute will be populated with any request error, serialized as a plain object:

  • errorOnFind {Error}
  • errorOnGet {Error}
  • errorOnCreate {Error}
  • errorOnUpdate {Error}
  • errorOnPatch {Error}
  • errorOnRemo {Error}

Service Getters

Service modules include the following getters:

  • list {Array} - an array of items. The array form of keyedById Read only.
  • find(params) {Function} - a helper function that allows you to use the Feathers Adapter Common API and Query API to pull data from the store. This allows you to treat the store just like a local Feathers database adapter (but without hooks).
    • params {Object} - an object with a query object. The query is in the FeathersJS query format.
  • get(id[, params]) {Function} - a function that allows you to query the store for a single item, by id. It works the same way as get requests in Feathers database adapters.
    • id {Number|String} - the id of the data to be retrieved by id from the store.
    • params {Object} - an object containing a Feathers query object.
  • current {Object} - the object representing the currentId. It's pulled from the keyedById state.

Service Mutations

The following mutations are included in each service module.

addItem(state, item)

Adds a single item to the keyedById map.

  • item {Object} - The item to be added to the store.

addItems(state, items)

Adds an array of items to the keyedById map.

  • items {Array} - the items to be added to the store.

updateItem(state, item)

Updates an item in the store to match the passed in item.

  • item {Object} the item, including id, to replace the currently-stored item.

updateItems(state, items)

Updates multiple items in the store to match the passed in array of items.

  • items {Array} - An array of items.

removeItem(state, item)

Removes a single item. item can be

  • item {Number|String|Object} - The item or id of the item to be deleted.

removeItems(state, items)

Removes the passed in items or ids from the store.

  • items {Array} - An array of ids or of objects with ids that will be removed from the data store.

setCurrent(state, item)

  • item {Number|String|Object} - the object with id to be set as the current item, or the id of the object in the store that should become the current item. Setting the current item or id also create the deep-cloned copy.


Saves changes from the copy to the current item.


Re-copies the data from current to copy, restoring the original copy.


Clears the current item, which also clears the copy.


Clears the list, excepting the current item.


Clears all data from ids, keyedById, and currentId

Mutations for Managing Pending State

The following mutations are called automatically by the service actions, and will rarely, if ever, need to be used manually.

  • setFindPending(state) - sets isFindPending to true
  • unsetFindPending(state) - sets isFindPending to false
  • setGetPending(state) - sets isGetPending to true
  • unsetGetPending(state) - sets isGetPending to false
  • setCreatePending(state) - sets isCreatePending to true
  • unsetCreatePending(state) - sets isCreatePending to false
  • setUpdatePending(state) - sets isUpdatePending to true
  • unsetUpdatePending(state) - sets isUpdatePending to false
  • setPatchPending(state) - sets isPatchPending to true
  • unsetPatchPending(state) - sets isPatchPending to false
  • setRemovePending(state) - sets isRemovePending to true
  • unsetRemovePending(state) - sets isRemovePending to false

Mutations for Managing Errors

The following mutations are called automatically by the service actions, and will rarely need to be used manually.

  • setFindError(state, error)
  • clearFindError(state)
  • setGetError(state, error)
  • clearGetError(state)
  • setCreateError(state, error)
  • clearCreateError(state)
  • setUpdateError(state, error)
  • clearUpdateError(state)
  • setPatchError(state, error)
  • clearPatchError(state)
  • setRemoveError(state, error)
  • clearRemoveError(state)

Service Actions

An action is included for each of the Feathers service interface methods. These actions will affect changes in both the Feathers API server and the Vuex store.

All of the Feathers Service Methods are supported. Because Vuex only supports providing a single argument to actions, there is a slight change in syntax that works well. If you need to pass multiple arguments to a service method, pass an array to the action with the order of the array elements matching the order of the arguments. See each method for examples.

Note: If you use the Feathers service methods, directly, the store will not change. Only the actions will cause store changes.


Query an array of records from the server & add to the Vuex store.

  • params {Object} - An object containing a query object.
let params = {query: {completed: true}}
store.dispatch('todos/find', params)

get(id) or get([id, params])

Query a single record from the server & add to Vuex store

  • id {Number|String} - the id of the record being requested from the API server.
  • params {Object} - An object containing a query object.
store.dispatch('todos/get', 1)

// Use an array to pass params
let params = {}
store.dispatch('todos/get', [1, params])


Create one or multiple records.

  • data {Object|Array} - if an object is provided, a single record will be created. If an array of objects is provided, multiple records will be created.
let newTodo = {description: 'write good tests'}
store.dispatch('todos/create', newTodo)

update([id, data, params])

Update (overwrite) a record.

  • id {Number|String} - the id of the existing record being requested from the API server.
  • data {Object} - the data that will overwrite the existing record
  • params {Object} - An object containing a query object.
let data = {id: 5, description: 'write your tests', completed: true}
let params = {}
// Overwrite item 1 with the above data (FYI: Most databases won't let you change the id.)
store.dispatch('todos/update', [1, data, params])

patch([id, data, params])

Patch (merge in changes) one or more records

  • id {Number|String} - the id of the existing record being requested from the API server.
  • data {Object} - the data that will be merged into the existing record
  • params {Object} - An object containing a query object.
let data = {description: 'write your tests', completed: true}
let params = {}
store.dispatch('todos/update', [1, data, params])


Remove/delete the record with the given id.

  • id {Number|String} - the id of the existing record being requested from the API server.
store.dispatch('todos/remove', 1)

Auth Module

The Auth module helps setup your app for login / logout. It includes the following state by default:

  accessToken: undefined


The following actions are included in the auth module:

  • authenticate: Same as feathersClient.authenticate()
  • logout: Same as feathersClient.logout()


You can provide an auth.userService in the feathersVuex options to automatically populate the user upon successful login.

Handling Realtime Events

This plugin works perfectly with the feathers-reactive plugin. Realtime events are handled in that plugin, allowing this plugin to stay lean and focused. See the example below for how to add support for Feathers realtime events using feathers-reactive.

Complete Example

Here's an example of a Feathers server that uses feathers-vuex.

const feathers = require('feathers/client');
const socketio = require('feathers-socketio/client');
const auth = require('feathers-authentication-client');
const reactive = require('feathers-reactive')
const RxJS = require('rxjs');
const hooks = require('feathers-hooks');
const feathersVuex = require('feathers-vuex');

// Bring in your Vuex store
const store = require('/path/to/vuex/store');

// Initialize the application
const feathersClient = feathers()
  // Initialize feathersVuex with the Vuex store

// Automatically setup Vuex with a todos module


Copyright (c) 2016

Licensed under the MIT license.