About the annotations of keypoints
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Dear @silviazuffi ,
Thanks for your sharing. Excellent works!
Could you please upload the code to generate keypoints of the input image?
I want to apply this to my customed dataset without keypoints. Could you please give me some suggestions of the
keypoints generation?
Thanks very much.
Dear @silviazuffi ,
Thanks for your quick reply. I will try the method you told me.
Besides, I have another question. Given a full image, how could I process it as the cropped one. What operations did you do
when you process the original image. I guess you handle these images with horse detection and segmentation, as well as align all the images. Could please upload the process code?
Thanks very much,
Yes, definitely I could get the boxes and mask via Mask R-CNN, however, I saw your zebra images are all aligned so that the images are in the same locations and even all the heads of the zebra were in the right side, I wonder how to process all the images to get such results. In addition, whether this processing results will have an influence on the mesh model generation.
Yes, I get it. Thanks for your kind reply.
Dear @silviazuffi ,
I have sent you the results of my customer dataset, please check your emaill.silvia@mi.imati.cnr.it. Thanks very much,
No, I apply it to some web searched horse images.
Hi @silviazuffi ,
What should I do to train a new model for horses?
hi @silviazuffi ,
I have read your works '3D Menagerie: Modeling the 3D Shape and Pose of Animals', This is great work.
I saw some demos of reconstructing 3d mesh from the 2d images. Could you send me this part of the code to do further research?
hi @silviazuffi ,
I want to make myself SMAL model such as pig, but I don't know the model .pkl file. Now I have a .obj model which contains the information of v, vt, f...Could you please tell me how to make the .pkl model which contains J,betas?
Dear @silviazuffi ,
Thanks for solving my confusion. I will try the method you told me.
Dear Silivia,
I read the Supplemental Material for the SMALST model, where you mentioned generating a synthetic training set and training a network for horses . Is the dataset published anywhere? If not, can you share it with me? I'm interested in using it and comparing it to my current dataset Thank you in advance?
Yes, I still have the dataset, it is about 9K images, I am quite busy in these days, but I will try to make it available.