
Parameters used for training

iegorval opened this issue · 1 comments

Good afternoon,

May I ask if what were the parameters used for the training in the final version of the model, whose results were shown in the article? Are those all the same as the defaults from the code + flags from the Also, are the parameters from the first (commented) line of the script are used, or from the second line (in that case, what is nokap)?

Additionally, may I ask what is the difference between flags "is_optimization" and "is_refinement"? The have the same comment in the flag definition, but they seem to mean different things in the code.

I have rewritten the code a bit to use Python 3 with the corresponding new Nvidia drivers, but I am now not sure that I would get the equivalent results due to the big number of parameters. (In case I am able to reproduce it, I would be also happy to share somehow the version for Python 3, so that more people would be able to use it with newer libraries - if you want and agree, of course.)

Thank you a lot in advance for any answer.

Best regards,