
Integrating Redux in a Laravel Api + React-only project

Primary LanguagePHP


The focus of this exercise is to integrate Redux in an existing API + React Project.


-> do not change existing Api Structure

-> create smaller components without changing React logic

-> implement Redux

Starter Laravel+React Project: https://github.com/ammezie/tasksman

Getting Started

Clone the project repository by running the command below if you use SSH

git clone git@github.com:silvicardo/laravel-react-redux-tasksman.git

If you use https, use this instead

git clone https://github.com/silvicardo/laravel-react-redux-tasksman.git

After cloning, run:

composer install
npm install

Duplicate .env.example and rename it .env

Then run:

php artisan key:generate


Be sure to fill in your database details in your .env file before running the migrations:

php artisan migrate

And finally, start the application:

php artisan serve

and visit http://localhost:8000 to see the application in action.

Built With

  • Laravel - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans
  • React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces