- 0
- 1
Not Found: /css/django-pwa-app.css
#57 opened by stefanbschneider - 0
No "Add to homescreen" popup on Chrome
#56 opened by stefanbschneider - 1
Outdated PIP release on PyPi
#112 opened by Iah-Uch - 0
Install popup working on desktop but not on mobile
#111 opened by josylad - 1
PWA_APP_ICONS_APPLE Setting Not Recognized Due to Absence in
#107 opened by max-taitola - 4
- 1
Install popup in not showing in domain hosted in AWS EC2 but working in localhost
#98 opened by mak-cell - 0
Unknown Server running on localhost
#106 opened by Tom-Sumner - 0
Not Working
#105 opened by Tom-Sumner - 3
Can the application be published to app store?
#94 opened by damc - 8
Compatibility Issue with Django 4.0
#83 opened by mmhy2003 - 4
How to solve compatibility with django 4.
#91 opened by GEORGES-DTECH - 1
- 2
add the to releases
#93 opened by ThePiloot00 - 2
- 1
Hi @silviolleite, where can I find the version 1.0.2? the latest version is showing 1.0.10?
#75 opened by mm-reza - 2
sizes not in html
#38 opened by Maarten7 - 0
Every GET fetches ServiceWorker.js
#77 opened by DjangoWebDeveloper - 0
App Screenshots and Descriptions.
#76 opened by aekanshd - 1
service-worker.js loading is Unconventional
#73 opened by rcmurphy - 1
Custom manifest.json?
#59 opened by tanjyeyee - 0
Short Name Setting Not Added
#70 opened by justinmerrell - 2
Not Installing as webapks
#62 opened by r4mbhardwaj - 1
Manifest doesn't have a maskable icon
#54 opened by Deguise - 0
How can I cache the pages on the first load and then refresh homepage whenever user has internet connection?
#60 opened by ibrahimkonuk - 0
Django Debug Screen is replaced by 'offline page'
#65 opened by Jefmans - 6
Django PWA and AWS Static Files
#48 opened by josylad - 0
- 0
README not in sync with serviceworker.js
#58 opened by mike-allaway - 4
- 2
serviceworker.js and mainfest.js not found
#27 opened by TheAbhijeet - 0
Distinct setting for short_name field
#55 opened by aaroncawte - 4
- 2
- 0
cannot import name 'url' from 'django.urls'
#51 opened by VFansss - 2
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pwa'
#42 opened by joaquinacuna - 0
dynamic START_URL
#47 opened by sandeepbalagopal09 - 0
Vue.js inside django
#46 opened by fortunto2 - 0
#39 opened by minwoochoi-lion - 0
add option for add crossorigin=anonymous in url
#33 opened by scwall - 0
Miss content_type on manifest.json
#37 opened by VivienGiraud - 4
- 1
- 0
Cache got basic response with bad status 404 while trying to add request'.
#30 opened by amberdiehl - 5
The CSS file 'css/django-pwa-app.css' references a file which could not be found
#22 opened by dennohpeter - 1
- 2
- 1
request.FILES is empty when uploading a file
#25 opened by tominaga443 - 3
django 2.2 support
#23 opened by zypro