
This is a sample python app to help users to automatically download data through our API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Downloading files from Space Weather Data Share API

This is a python app sample to help users to automatically download files through Space Weather Data Share API.


There is two ways to set the search values, by command line args or setting the variables values in code.

For both cases you need to set the variables on the settings.py.

  • USERNAME (The username or e-mail)
  • PASSWORD (The password)

After that you can choose which method you prefer.

  1. By Command Line

This way require the command line args as bellow:

python swds-downloader.py -a 1 -i 2017-04-01 -e 2017-04-23 -r 1 -s 1 -p ./tmp/magnetometer/

See the avaliables args:

-h -H --help = Show the helper text with the avaliable options

** Filters
-a --app = An integer Application ID (Required)
-s --station = An integer Station ID (Optional)
-r --resolution = An integer Resolution ID (Optional)
-f --swfilter = An integer Filter ID (Optional)
-t --swtype = An integer Type ID (Optional)
-n --network = An integer Network ID (Optional)
-q --equipment = An integer Equipment ID (Optional)

** Dates
-i --start_date = A string with format yyyy-mm-dd (Required)
-e --end_date = A string with format yyyy-mm-dd (Required)

** Path to save the files
-p --path = A string with the absolute path to save the files (Required)
  1. Setting Variables in Code

For run the program without command line args you must edit the settings.py file variables with your personal information:

  • SEARCH (Search parameters)
  • PATH_TO_SAVE (Path to save the files)
# Search filters
# You must pass these values if you are not using the command line args
    'application': 1,
    'start_date': '2017-04-01',
    'end_date': '2017-04-23',
    'resolution': 1,
    'station': 1,
    'swfilter': None,
    'swtype': None,
    'network': None,
    'equipment': None

# Path to save the files
PATH_TO_SAVE = './tmp/magnetometer/'

# Credentials
# The username key can be your username or e-mail

Run the program

After configuring you environment, you can run the program with the following command:

python3 swds-downloader.py

If everything runs fine, you should have a console output like this:

    Starting files download from Space Weather Data Share API
    Total: 2 file(s)
   Downloading file: sjc23apr.17m to ./tmp/magnetometer/SJC/2017/sjc23apr.17m
   Downloading file: sjc22apr.17m to ./tmp/magnetometer/SJC/2017/sjc22apr.17m

    Download success: 2
    Download failed: 1 

    Done! All files are in your path ./tmp/magnetometer/

Custom script

This page is an example of how to download files from EMBRACE/INPE service (SW Data Share). Please, fell free to customize your own script with different applications, dates and filters.


After you have set the variables in settings.py with you personal information, you need to install the dependencies listed in requirements.txt:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Then, run the command:

python3 runtests.py


Download errors will be listed in error.log on root path.


Any question or suggestion, please, contact our support sending an email to desenvolvimento.emabrace@inpe.br.