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Docker microservice for LineageOS Continuous Integration and Continous Deployment
Yeah, right. FORK ME!!! Once you fork me, I help you learn forking.
Geography Quiz app from chapters 1 and 2 of BigNerdRanch Android Programming text book.
A quiz app with support for basic Q&A questions and multiple choice. Created using Android Studio
Create a table named Quiz within a database called ExamDB. You should use the embedded Java DB mode to implement this database. Data is stored in a text file in the following csv format (questionNumber, description, choice1, choice2, choice3, choice4, Answer). Create your own csv text file containing quiz questions. Read from this file and store the records in the Quiz table within the ExamDB database. Give the user a simple MCQ test from your Quiz table with 3 questions each time (one at a time and different each time), and print how many they got right and wrong.
An old project that I completed in High School while helping my biology teacher. This program reads questions and answers from a formatted text file and places them in a GUI for the user to answer. The number of correct responses are recorded and a percentage is displayed. In addition, the questions are randomized.
Q&A Android app
silviu-tudose2003's Repositories
Docker microservice for LineageOS Continuous Integration and Continous Deployment
Yeah, right. FORK ME!!! Once you fork me, I help you learn forking.
Geography Quiz app from chapters 1 and 2 of BigNerdRanch Android Programming text book.
A quiz app with support for basic Q&A questions and multiple choice. Created using Android Studio
Create a table named Quiz within a database called ExamDB. You should use the embedded Java DB mode to implement this database. Data is stored in a text file in the following csv format (questionNumber, description, choice1, choice2, choice3, choice4, Answer). Create your own csv text file containing quiz questions. Read from this file and store the records in the Quiz table within the ExamDB database. Give the user a simple MCQ test from your Quiz table with 3 questions each time (one at a time and different each time), and print how many they got right and wrong.
An old project that I completed in High School while helping my biology teacher. This program reads questions and answers from a formatted text file and places them in a GUI for the user to answer. The number of correct responses are recorded and a percentage is displayed. In addition, the questions are randomized.
Q&A Android app
This was a project during my Udacity Android Development Beginner Nanodegree. Who Said That? is a one-screen quiz that asks the users various questions in various formats (text, checkbox, radiobutton) and then lets them calculate the score, check for wrong answers, and share the scores.
A quiz app with 10 questions about World of Warcraft, consists radio buttons, check boxes, entry text fields.