
This is a minimalistic example to demonstrate Atmosphere Issue 1988

Getting Started

This is a simple Dropwizard service that will publish at localhost:8080. To start server run ./gradlew run from main project directory (gradlew.bat for Windows). Once started open http://localhost:8080 for simple client, make sure JavaScript debug console is up.

To reproduce issue click Connect, Ping and Disconnect for /ws/pass and then same for /ws/fail while observing log output. If you do this cycle again more errors get logged.

Key files

  • ExampleAtmosphereHandler - actual handler with 2 paths /ws/pass using string ID and /ws/fail with UUID
  • config.yml - dropwizard service config
  • index.html - includes atmosphere.js and shows the buttons (served from assets)
  • build.gradle - build file, has 2 versions of atmosphere as dependency, just move comments around