
Downloads a random picture from Unsplash and updates the desktop wallpaper every hour.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Downloads a random picture from Unsplash and updates the desktop wallpaper every hour.



  1. Follow the setup step for the image provider of your choice.

Note: Currently only unsplash is supported as image provider.

  1. Clone this repository.
$ git clone https://github.com/silwalanish/wallpapr.git
  1. Change directory into wallpapr.
$ cd wallpapr
  1. Build the project.
$ make build
  1. Install the project.
$ make install

CLI Usage

$ wallpapr [-h] [-c] [-s] [-p {unsplash}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c, --get-current-path
                        Get the current background path.
  -s, --only-set-current
                        Set the current background without downloading.
  -p {unsplash}, --image-provider {unsplash}
                        Set the image provider to use.

Configuring wallpapr

The configurations is available at ~/.config/wallpapr/wallpapr.json.


Property Description Type Default
width Hints the width of the image to download from the selected image_provider. Number 1360
height Hints the height of the image to download from the selected image_provider. Number 768
current_wallpaper_path Defines the full path to the current wallpaper. If you manually update the path, run the command $ wallpapr -c to set the image as the wallpaper. Note: This will only reflect correctly if the current wallpaper was set with wallpapr String None
download_path Defines the full path to the directory where the image is to be downloaded. String $HOME/Pictures
image_provider Defines the default image provider to use. You can override the default image_provider in the CLI using --image-provider or -p option Note: Currently, only unsplash is a valid option. String unsplash
image_provider_config Defines the configurations to provide to the image provider. JSON See documentation for the image_provider

Image Providers


Note: Unsplash is the default and the only (for now) image provider for wallpapr.

wallpapr uses the /photo/random API provided by Unsplash to get the random image. The configurations are a subset of the ones described for the API in the Unsplash official documentation.

Setup Unsplash as Image Provider

  1. Register an Unsplash app and get the secret key and access key.
  2. Export the secret key (as UNSPLASH_SECRET_KEY) and access key (as UNSPLASH_ACCESS_KEY).
$ export UNSPLASH_SECRET_KEY="secret_key"
$ export UNSPLASH_ACCESS_KEY="access_key"

Note: You can add these command at the end of ~/.profile to export it globally for the current user. This is required for wallpapr cli.

  1. Once wallpapr is installed set image_provider to unsplash in the configuration file. See configuring wallpapr.

Unsplash Configuration

Property Description Type Default
orientation Filter by photo orientation. (Valid values: landscape, portrait, squarish). Note: Multiple values are supported as either comma separated string or a list of string. String or Array[String] landscape
collections Public collection ID(‘s) to filter selection. The collection id can be found in the web url for the collection. Note: Multiple values are supported as either comma separated string or a list of ids or a list of JSON object with id and url (optional; web url to the unsplash collection.) String or Array[String] or Array[Number] or Array[{id, url}] See Default Unsplash Collections

Default Unsplash Collections

    "id": "606028",
    "url": "https://unsplash.com/collections/606028/technology"
    "id": "11649432",
    "url": "https://unsplash.com/collections/11649432/landscape"
    "id": "827743",
    "url": "https://unsplash.com/collections/827743/landscape"
    "id": "2476111",
    "url": "https://unsplash.com/collections/2476111/retro-tech"


  1. Run uninstall script.
$ make uninstall
  1. Clean up.
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf wallpapr
