Save manager for the game Another crab's treasure
Step 0 : Double click the CrabSaveManager.exe
Step 1 : Go to the folder where u can find the save folders If u do windows + R then paste "%USERPROFILE%/AppData\LocalLow\Aggro Crab\AnotherCrabsTreasure" you should arrived directly where I want u to go
Congrats now u can use the same manager
How to use : At the top u've 3 buttons Save1/Save2/Save3 those correspond to the 3 save slots. Click on the one you want to either save from or load to. Right below you've 2 buttons, LoadMyFiles/SaveMyFiles click on the one that correcpond at what you want to do (save to save the slot to a memory, load to load a memory to a slot) Under those you've all the memory buttons, when u click on it that'll either save or load like said above.
Tip : Saving a slot will create a folder to store it, so if u've already made saves you can just save all of them then manualy set them.
If you need help @ me on discord : @th_mrow