
Awesant is a log shipper for logstash.

Primary LanguagePerl


Awesant is a simple log shipper for logstash. It ships logs from multiple inputs to multiple outputs.


Awesant is written in Perl. So you have to install some Perl packages at first to run Awesant on your machine. Let us have a look on what you need to install:


If you want to transport logs via SSL and the Socket output then you need to install IO::Socket::SSL as well.

You can install the packages with your favorite package manager or with cpan tool.

cpan -i Log::Handler
cpan -i Params::Validate
cpan -i ...


Just download the project and execute

perl Configure.PL
make install

Or create a RPM with

rpmbuild -ta awesant-$version.tar.gz
rpm -i rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/awesant...


Start and stop Awesant

/etc/init.d/awesant-agent [ start | stop | restart ]


The main configuration file of the Awesant agent is


The configuration style is very simple. You can define inputs, outputs, a logger and some global configuration parameter.

Inputs are the log files you want to ship. Outputs are the transports you want to use to ship the log files.

Currently supported inputs:

Currently supported outputs:

Global configuration options:

Example configuration:

# How often to poll inputs for new events.
# Default: 500 (ms)
poll 500

# How much lines to request from the inputs by each poll.
# Default: 100 (count)
lines 100

input {
    file {
        type syslog
        path /var/log/messages
        tags tag1, tag2
        add_field key1, value1, key2, value2
        # add_field {
        #    key1 value1
        #    key2 value2
        # }

output {
    redis {
        type syslog
        key syslog
        port 6379
        database 0
        timeout 10
        password foobared
    screen {
        type syslog
        send_to stdout

logger {
    file {
        filename /var/log/awesant/agent.log
        maxlevel info

With this agent configuration your logstash should be configured as follows:

input {
    redis {
        host => ""
        port => 6379
        db => 0
        key => "syslog"
        type => "syslog"
        format => "json_event"

Extended input and output configuration

  • It is possible to set a comma separated list of types for outputs.
  • It is possible to set wildcards for file inputs.

As example if you has different inputs, such as

input {
    file {
        type apache-access-log
        path /var/log/httpd/*access*log
    file {
        type syslog
        path /var/log/messages

then you can use one output for multiple inputs:

output {
    redis {
        type apache-access-log, syslog
        key logstash

In this case the redis-output is bound to the inputs 'apache-access-log' and 'syslog', but if the log events are pushed to the output then the type of the input is used for the json event. That means that '@type' is set to the type of the input, not of the output.


  • Add any encryption support to ship log files
  • Does we really need another transports? Redis is so cool :-)
  • Some Debian foo to build a deb package
  • Add proto udp to Input/Socket.pm and Output/Socket.pm.