

Primary LanguageTypeScript


GRAND Stack plugin for Apollo CLI

oclif Version Downloads/week License

How to use it

First you need to have https://www.npmjs.com/package/apollo[Apollo CLI] installed : npm install -g apollo Then you you can run this command to install this plugin : apollo plugins:install https://github.com/sim51/apollo-grand-plugin

Generate the schema

You can generate the Graphql schema from a neo4j instance just by executing this command :

apollo grand:schema-generate -u bolt://localhost:7687 -l neo4j -p admin

The schema will be displayed in the console.


Schema Generator

  • Check the name of properties for relationship in & out
  • Handle rels that have many nodelabels
  • Add blacklist for label (and properties?)
  • Scalar for date and Geo point ?
  • Add the file location for writting the schema

Crud generator