
Kafka bundle for Symfony

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PHP Kafka Symfony bundle for php-rdkafka

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Add as Composer dependency:

composer require simpod/kafka-bundle

Then add KafkaBundle to Symfony's bundles.php:

use SimPod\KafkaBundle\SimPodKafkaBundle;

return [
    new SimPodKafkaBundle()


This package simply makes it easier to integrate https://github.com/arnaud-lb/php-rdkafka with Symfony. For more details how to work with Kafka in PHP, refer to its documentation.

Available console commands:

  • bin/console debug:kafka:consumers to list all available consumer groups
  • bin/console kafka:consumer:run <consumer name> to run consumer instance


You can create eg. kafka.yaml file in your config directory with following content:

    authentication: '%env(KAFKA_AUTHENTICATION)%'
    bootstrap_servers: '%env(KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS)%'
        id: 'your-application-name'
  • authentication reads env var KAFKA_AUTHENTICATIOn that contains authentication uri (sasl-plain://user:password, or it might be just empty indicating no authentication).
  • bootstrap_servers reads env var KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS that contains comma-separated list of bootstrap servers (broker-1.kafka:9092,broker-2.kafka:9092).

If bootstrap_servers isn't set, it defaults to


Following services are registered in container and can be DI injected.


class: \SimPod\KafkaBundle\Kafka\Configuration

Configuration service allows easy access to all the configuration properties.

$config->set(ConsumerConfig::CLIENT_ID_CONFIG, $this->configuration->getIdWithHostname());


There's interface NamedConsumer available. When your consumer implements it, this bundle autoregisters it.

This is example of simple consumer, it can be then run via bin/console kafka:consumer:run consumer1



namespace Your\AppNamespace;

use SimPod\Kafka\Clients\Consumer\ConsumerConfig;
use SimPod\Kafka\Clients\Consumer\KafkaConsumer;
use SimPod\KafkaBundle\Kafka\Configuration;
use SimPod\KafkaBundle\Kafka\Clients\Consumer\NamedConsumer;

final class ExampleKafkaConsumer implements NamedConsumer
    private Configuration $configuration;

    public function __construct(Configuration $configuration)
        $this->configuration = $configuration;

    public function run(): void
        $kafkaConsumer = new KafkaConsumer($this->getConfig());


        while (true) {
    public function getName(): string {
        return 'consumer1';    

    private function getConfig(): ConsumerConfig
        $config = new ConsumerConfig();

        $config->set(ConsumerConfig::BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, $this->configuration->getBootstrapServers());
        $config->set(ConsumerConfig::ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG, false);
        $config->set(ConsumerConfig::CLIENT_ID_CONFIG, $this->configuration->getClientIdWithHostname());
        $config->set(ConsumerConfig::AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, 'earliest');
        $config->set(ConsumerConfig::GROUP_ID_CONFIG, 'consumer_group');

        return $config;


There is kwn/php-rdkafka-stubs listed as a dev dependency so it properly integrates php-rdkafka extension with IDE.