
Tools for releasing new branches and tags of ManageIQ

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

ManageIQ release tools

Code Climate

Tools for releasing new branches and tags of ManageIQ.


git clone https://github.com/ManageIQ/manageiq-release.git


  • Release a new branch

    bin/release_branch.rb --branch <branch_name>
  • Release a new tag

    bin/release_tag.rb [--dry-run] --tag <new_tag_name> --branch <branch_name>
  • Destroy a tag that was incorrectly created locally

    bin/destroy_tag.rb --tag <tag_name> --branch <branch_name>
  • Update the repository labels (see also GitHub interactions)

    bin/update_labels.rb [--dry-run]
  • Update the repository settings (see also GitHub interactions)

    bin/update_repo_settings.rb [--dry-run] [--branch <specific branch>] [--repo <specific_repo>]
  • Update the Sprint milestones (see also GitHub interactions)

    bin/update_sprint_milestones.rb [--dry-run] --title <title>

GitHub interactions

Certain commands interact with GitHub and expect a GitHub API Token set in the ENV variable GITHUB_API_TOKEN.

If you don't already have a token, or want to create one specific to these purposes

  • Go to https://github.com/settings/tokens
  • Choose "Generate New Token"
  • Give the token a description
  • At a mimimum, choose "repo" for the permissions.
  • Click "Generate Token"
  • Copy the token given to you, and keep it in a safe location, as once you leave the page, the token is no longer accessible

Then, in order to use is, export the ENV variable permanently, or pass it to the program as part of the call.

GITHUB_API_TOKEN=<token> bin/update_sprint_milestones.rb --title <title>


Some things to note:

  • The bin scripts are driven off of the config/repos.yml file. This file lists the various branches and which repos make up a release for that branch.
  • There is a bin/console script which is helpful for console-based testing. It will open an IRB session with the libraries files already required.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ManageIQ/manageiq-release.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.