S3 Bucket -> Lambda (Rekognition Image Text Detection) -> DynamoDB


This is a serverless component that takes uploaded images from one S3 Bucket, invokes AWS Rekognition Detect Text and then stores the detected text along with the image key to a DynamoDB table. It contains:

  • an Images S3 Bucket to upload images to.

  • a Lambda that takes the image from the Images S3 bucket, detects text and stores it in a DynamoDB table (in TypeScript)

  • a DynamoDB table that keeps the imageKey and imageText (detected text).

Deployment Parameters

This component has two CloudFormation deployment parameters:

  • ImagesS3BucketName, an optional parameter, represents the name of the Images S3 Bucket. By default its "s3-lambda-detect-image-text-bucket".

  • TableName, an optional parameter, represents the name of the DynamoDB table. By default its "imageTexts".

Latest Release - 1.0.0

  • Initial release

Roadmap - Upcoming changes

Here are the upcoming changes that I'll add to this serverless component:

  • Tests