pi-lib (formely BPLC) is a library of basic programming languages constructs whose semantics are formally specified as pi-automata. Therefore, to give semantics to a programming language means to relate constructions of the given language with the constructs of pi-lib. It is implemented in the Maude language.

Primary LanguageMakefile


π-lib is a library of basic programming languages constructs whose semantics are formally specified in π-automata. Therefore, to give semantics to a programming language means to relate constructions of the given language with the constructs of π-lib. It is implemented in the Maude language, by Christiano Braga (http://www.ic.uff.br/~cbraga).

System requirements

  • This version of π-lib runs on version 2.7.1 of the Maude system.
  • iTerm 2 on macOS produces a nicer experience.


π-lib is a result of a collaboration with Fabrício Chalub, José Meseguer and Peter D. Mosses. The signature of π-lib has the same roots as the Component Based Semantics in the Programming Language Components and Specifications project. The semantic framework that π-lib implements is π-automata, a generalization of Plotkin's Interpreting Automata.

BPLC logo made with DesignEvo.