
Development version of wpsid-shortcode plugin on github. Release branch on wordpress.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

=== WPSID Shortcode ===
Contributors: simasta
Donate link: http://www.siini.com/wordpress/plugins/wpsid-shortcode/
Tags: opensid, shortcode, sid, sistem informasi desa
Requires at least: 4.3
Tested up to: 4.8.1
Stable tag:
License: GPLv2 or later

Integrate OpenSID and SID into Wrodpress.

== Description ==

WPSID Shortcode integrate OpenSID and SID into Wrodpress with shortcodes. You can display statistics data from OpenSID and SID into wordpress. Visit [**http://wpsid-shortcode.plugin.demo.siini.com**](http://wpsid-shortcode.plugin.demo.siini.com/) for detail.

If you find this useful, [**please consider donating**](http://www.siini.com/wordpress/plugins/wpsid-shortcode/) whatever sum you choose, **even just 10 cents**.

== Installation ==

= Requirements =
* WordPress 4.3+
* PHP 5.3+
* OpenSID / SID CRI Installed

= Steps =
1. Download latest version Opensid from [OpenSID](https://codeload.github.com/eddieridwan/OpenSID/zip/master) or [SID CRI](httpp://sid.web.id) . 
   Extract into wordpress folder, then rename into `opensid`.
	Resulted dirs will be:
1. Unzip plugin files and upload them under your '/wp-content/plugins/' directory. 
   Resulted names will be:
1. Activate plugin at "Plugins" administration page.
1. Verify configuration on admin panel.
1. Place shortcodes build in opensid plugin to your post, page, or widget, or use `echo do_shortcode("[name_shortcode]")` code ini php files.

= The Shortcodes =

* [wpsid_data_wilayah]
* [wpsid_version[ type="plain|html"]]
* [wpsid_data_pendidikan[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]
* [wpsid_data_pekerjaan[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]
* [wpsid_data_perkawinan[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]
* [wpsid_data_agama[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]
* [wpsid_data_jenis_kelamin[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]
* [wpsid_data_warga_negara[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]
* [wpsid_data_status_penduduk[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]
* [wpsid_data_golongan_darah[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]
* [wpsid_data_cacat[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]
* [wpsid_data_menahun[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]
* [wpsid_data_umur[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]
* [wpsid_data_pendidikan_sedang_ditempuh[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]
* [wpsid_data_cara_kb[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]
* [wpsid_data_akta_kelahiran[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]
* [wpsid_layanan_mandiri_widget]
* [wpsid_layanan_mandiri_detail]

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Its free? =


== Screenshots ==
1. Example result page
2. How to usage shortcode
3. Example directory structure
4. Admin page
5. Layanan Mandiri

== Changelog ==

= =
*Release Date - 2017/09/19*

* Bug fix

= =
*Release Date - 2017/08/20*

* Hot fix

= 1.0.9 =
*Release Date - 2017/08/20*

* Added **[wpsid_layanan_mandiri_widget]** shortcode tag
* Added **[wpsid_layanan_mandiri_detail]** shortcode tag

= 1.0.8 =
*Release Date - 2017/06/14*

* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_wilayah]` to `[wpsid_data_wilayah]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_version[ type="plain|html"]]` to `[wpsid_version[ type="plain|html"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_pendidikan[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]` to `[wpsid_data_pendidikan[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_pekerjaan[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]` to `[wpsid_data_pekerjaan[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_perkawinan[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]` to `[wpsid_data_perkawinan[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_agama[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]` to `[wpsid_data_agama[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_jenis_kelamin[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]` to `[wpsid_data_jenis_kelamin[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_warga_negara[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]` to `[wpsid_data_warga_negara[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_status_penduduk[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]` to `[wpsid_data_status_penduduk[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_golongan_darah[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]` to `[wpsid_data_golongan_darah[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_cacat[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]` to `[wpsid_data_cacat[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_menahun[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]` to `[wpsid_data_menahun[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_umur[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]` to `[wpsid_data_umur[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_pendidikan_sedang_ditempuh[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]` to `[wpsid_data_pendidikan_sedang_ditempuh[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_cara_kb[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]` to `[wpsid_data_cara_kb[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_akta_kelahiran[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]` to `[wpsid_data_akta_kelahiran[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`

= =
*Release Date - 2017/06/12*

* Fixed shortcodes

= 1.0.7 =
*Release Date - 2017/04/17*

* Added support SID CRI
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_pendidikan]` to `[opensid_data_pendidikan[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_pekerjaan]` to `[opensid_data_pekerjaan[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_perkawinan]` to `[opensid_data_perkawinan[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_agama]` to `[opensid_data_agama[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_jenis_kelamin]` to `[opensid_data_jenis_kelamin[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_warga_negara]` to `[opensid_data_warga_negara[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_status_penduduk]` to `[opensid_data_status_penduduk[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_golongan_darah]` to `[opensid_data_golongan_darah[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_cacat]` to `[opensid_data_cacat[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_menahun]` to `[opensid_data_menahun[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_umur]` to `[opensid_data_umur[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_pendidikan_sedang_ditempuh]` to `[opensid_data_pendidikan_sedang_ditempuh[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_cara_kb]` to `[opensid_data_cara_kb[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`
* Shortcode change `[opensid_data_akta_kelahiran]` to `[opensid_data_akta_kelahiran[ type="tabel|grafik|pie"]]`

= =
*Release Date - 2017/04/16*

* Fixed localization

= =
*Release Date - 2017/04/16*

* Fixed error update plugin

= =
*Release Date - 2017/04/15*

* Fixed shortcode [opensid_version]

= =
*Release Date - 2017/04/15*

* Added **[opensid_version]** shortcode tag
* Fixed mirror

= 1.0.6 =
*Release Date - 2017/04/14*

* Added admin page
* Support custom path & database

= =
*Release Date - 2017/04/13*

* Added localization

= 1.0.5 =
*Release Date - 2017/04/11*

* Added **[opensid_data_jenis_kelamin]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_jenis_kelamin_pie]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_jenis_kelamin_tabel]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_jenis_kelamin_grafik]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_warga_negara]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_warga_negara_pie]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_warga_negara_tabel]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_warga_negara_grafik]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_status_penduduk]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_status_penduduk_pie]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_status_penduduk_tabel]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_status_penduduk_grafik]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_golongan_darah]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_golongan_darah_pie]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_golongan_darah_tabel]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_golongan_darah_grafik]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_cacat]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_cacat_pie]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_cacat_tabel]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_cacat_grafik]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_menahun]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_menahun_pie]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_menahun_tabel]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_menahun_grafik]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_umur]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_umur_pie]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_umur_tabel]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_umur_grafik]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_pendidikan_sedang_ditempuh]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_pendidikan_sedang_ditempuh_pie]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_pendidikan_sedang_ditempuh_tabel]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_pendidikan_sedang_ditempuh_grafik]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_cara_kb]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_cara_kb_pie]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_cara_kb_tabel]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_cara_kb_grafik]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_akta_kelahiran]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_akta_kelahiran_pie]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_akta_kelahiran_tabel]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_akta_kelahiran_grafik]** shortcode tag

= 1.0.4 =
*Release Date - 2017/04/10*

* Add directory structure screenshort
* Remove generic function get_config()

= 1.0.3 =
*Release Date - 2017/04/09*

* Fix wordpress compatible

= 1.0.2 =
*Release Date - 2017/04/08*

* Remove assets form plugin
* Escape output

= 1.0.1 =
*Release Date - 2017/03/23*

* Added **[opensid_data_pendidikan]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_pendidikan_pie]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_pekerjaan]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_pekerjaan_pie]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_pekerjaan_tabel]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_pekerjaan_grafik]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_perkawinan]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_perkawinan_pie]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_perkawinan_tabel]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_perkawinan_grafik]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_agama]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_agama_pie]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_agama_tabel]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_agama_grafik]** shortcode tag

= 1.0 =
*Release Date - 2017/03/21*

* Added **[opensid_data_pendidikan_grafik]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_data_pendidikan_tabel]** shortcode tag
* Added **[opensid_datai_wilayah]** shortcode tag

== Upgrade Notice ==

Upgrade normally