
A unified workflow for collaborating on Terraform through GitHub.

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A unified workflow for collaborating on Terraform through GitHub.


➜ Collaborate on Terraform with your team

  • Run terraform plan and apply from GitHub pull requests so everyone can review the output atlantis plan
  • Lock environments until pull requests are merged to prevent concurrent modification and confusion

➜ Developers can write Terraform safely

  • No need to distribute AWS credentials to your whole team. Developers can submit Terraform changes and run plan and apply directly from the pull request
  • Optionally, require a review and approval prior to running apply

➜ Also

  • No more copy-pasted code across environments. Atlantis supports using an env/{env}.tfvars file per environment so you can write your base configuration once
  • Support multiple versions of Terraform with a simple project config file

Getting Started

Download from https://github.com/hootsuite/atlantis/releases


./atlantis bootstrap

This will walk you through running Atlantis locally. It will

  • fork an example terraform project
  • install terraform (if not already in your PATH)
  • install ngrok so we can expose Atlantis to GitHub
  • start Atlantis

If you're ready to permanently set up Atlantis see Production-Ready Deployment

Production-Ready Deployment

Install Terraform

terraform needs to be in the $PATH for Atlantis. Download from https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html

unzip path/to/terraform_*.zip -d /usr/local/bin

Check that it's in your $PATH

$ terraform version
Terraform v0.9.11

If you want to use a different version of Terraform see Terraform Versions

Hosting Atlantis

Atlantis needs to be hosted somewhere that github.com or your GitHub Enterprise installation can reach. Developers in your organization also need to be able to access Atlantis to view the UI and to delete locks.

By default Atlantis runs on port 4141. This can be changed with the --port flag.

Add GitHub Webhook

Once you've decided where to host Atlantis you can add it as a Webhook to GitHub. If you already have a GitHub organization we recommend installing the webhook at the organization level rather than on each repository, however both methods will work.

If you're not sure if you have a GitHub organization see https://help.github.com/articles/differences-between-user-and-organization-accounts/

If you're installing on the organization, navigate to your organization's page and click Settings. If installing on a single repository, navigate to the repository home page and click Settings.

  • Select Webhooks or Hooks in the sidebar
  • Click Add webhook
  • set Payload URL to http://$URL/events where $URL is where Atlantis is hosted. Be sure to add /events
  • set Content type to application/json
  • leave Secret blank
  • select Let me select individual events
  • check the boxes
    • Pull request review
    • Push
    • Issue comment
    • Pull request
  • leave Active checked
  • click Add webhook

Create a GitHub Token

We recommend creating a new user in GitHub named atlantis that performs all API actions however you can use any user. Once you've created the user (or have decided to use an existing user) you need to create a personal access token.

Start Atlantis

Now you're ready to start Atlantis! Run

$ atlantis server --atlantis-url $URL --gh-username $USERNAME --gh-token $TOKEN
2049/10/6 00:00:00 [WARN] server: Atlantis started - listening on port 4141
  • $URL is the URL that Atlantis can be reached at
  • $USERNAME is the GitHub username you generated the token for
  • $TOKEN is the access token you created. If you don't want this to be passed in as an argument for security reasons you can specify it in a config file (see Configuration) or as an environment variable: ATLANTIS_GH_TOKEN

Atlantis is now running! We recommend running it under something like Systemd or Supervisord.

Testing Out Atlantis

If you'd like to test out Atlantis before running it on your own repositories you can fork our example repo.

  • Fork https://github.com/hootsuite/atlantis-example
  • If you didn't add the Webhook as to your organization add Atlantis as a Webhook to the forked repo (see Add GitHub Webhook)
  • Now that Atlantis can receive events you should be able to comment on a pull request to trigger Atlantis. Create a pull request
    • Click Branches on your forked repo's homepage
    • click the New pull request button next to the example branch
    • Change the base to {your-repo}/master
    • click Create pull request
  • Now you can test out Atlantis
    • Create a comment atlantis help to see what commands you can run from the pull request
    • atlantis plan will run terraform plan behind the scenes. You should see the output commented back on the pull request. You should also see some logs show up where you're running atlantis server
    • atlantis apply will run terraform apply. Since our pull request creates a null_resource (which does nothing) this is safe to do.


Atlantis configuration can be specified via command line flags or a YAML config file. The gh-token flag can also be specified via an ATLANTIS_GH_TOKEN environment variable. Config file values are overridden by environment variables which in turn are overridden by flags.

To use a yaml config file, run atlantis with --config /path/to/config.yaml. The keys of your config file should be the same as the flag, ex.

gh-token: ...
log-level: ...

To see a list of all flags and their descriptions run atlantis server --help

AWS Credentials

Atlantis simply shells out to terraform so you don't need to do anything special with AWS credentials. As long as terraform works where you're hosting Atlantis, then Atlantis will work. See https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/aws/#authentication for more detail.

Assume Role Session Names

Atlantis provides the ability to use AWS's Assume Role and dynamically name the session with the GitHub username of whoever commented atlantis apply.

This is used at Hootsuite so AWS API actions can be correlated with a specific user. To take advantage of this feature, simply set the --aws-assume-role-arn flag to the role to be assumed: arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_ID:role/ROLE_NAME.

If you're using Terraform's built-in support for assume role then there is no need to set this flag (unless you also want your sessions to take the name of the GitHub user).



When plan is run, the project and environment are Locked until an apply succeeds and the pull request is merged. This protects against concurrent modifications to the same set of infrastructure and prevents users from seeing a plan that will be invalid if another pull request is merged.

To unlock the project and environment without completing an apply, click the link at the bottom of each plan to discard the plan and delete the lock.



A Terraform project. Multiple projects can be in a single GitHub repo.


A Terraform environment. See terraform docs for more information.