
A javascript library that returns a color code for a given color name.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Color Name to Code

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A javascript library that returns a color code for a given color name.

It supports all color names from the list of named CSS colors from W3C.

It includes also the enum ColorName with a full list of all known color names.

The library can return hex color values, CSS rgb(…) values or an array of numeric RGB color values.


This library is published to npm registry as color-name-to-code.

You can install it:

# with npm
npm install --save color-name-to-code

# with yarn
yarn add color-name-to-code

ℹ️ HINT: This library is a pure ESM package. (You may want to read this.)


import { colorNameToCode } from 'color-name-to-code';

// color name to hex value
colorNameToCode('red'); // -> '#FF0000'

// color name to lowercase hex value
colorNameToCode('red', { lowercase: true }); // -> '#ff0000

// color name to short hex value
colorNameToCode('red', { short: true }); // -> '#f00'

// color name to hex value without leading hash
colorNameToCode('red', { hash: false }); // -> 'FF0000'

// color name to CSS `rgb(…)` value
colorNameToCode('red', { format: 'rgb' }); // -> 'rgb(255, 0, 0)'

// color name to CSS `rgba(…)` value
colorNameToCode('red', { format: 'rgb', alpha: 0.5 }); // -> 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)'

// color name to numeric RGB array
colorNameToCode('red', { format: 'array' }); // -> [255, 0, 0]

// color names will be sanitized before matching
colorNameToCode('"white!"'); // -> '#FFFFFF'
colorNameToCode('Black'); // -> '#000000'
colorNameToCode('RED'); // -> '#FF0000'
colorNameToCode('Dodger Blue'); // -> '#1E90FF'
colorNameToCode('dark-slate-gray'); // -> '#2F4F4F'
colorNameToCode('DARK_SLATE_GREY'); // -> '#2F4F4F'
colorNameToCode('LeMoN cHiFfOn'); // -> '#FFFACD'

// an unknown color name will be transformed to a fallback color
colorNameToCode('Foo Bar'); // -> '#FFBBAA'
colorNameToCode(undefined); // -> '#DEFE0D'
colorNameToCode('UNKNOWN'); // -> '#000000'

// if fallback is disabled and color name is unknown, an error is thrown
colorNameToCode('Foo Bar', { fallback: false }); // -> ERROR: no matching color found for 'Foo Bar'


colorNameToCode(name: string, options: Partial<Options>): string | [number, number, number];


interface Options {
  format: 'hex' | 'rgb' | 'array'; // default: 'hex'
  fallback: boolean; // default: true
  short: boolean; // default: false
  hash: boolean; // default: true
  lowercase: boolean; // default: false
  alpha: number; // default: 1
  • format: 'hex' | 'rgb' | 'array' (default: 'hex')
    …defines the output format.

    Possible values:

    • 'hex' defines a hex value as output format
    • 'rgb' defines a CSS rgb(…) value as output format
    • 'array' defines a numeric array of RGB values as output format
  • fallback: boolean (default: true)
    …tries to generate a color value from the given name input if a matching color name could not be found.

    To achieve this, all non-hex characters are removed from the given string and up to the first six left characters are interpreted as hex color value.

    If fallback is false and no matching color name is found, colorNameToCode will throw an error.

  • short: boolean (default: false)
    …returns a hex value as short version if possible and set to true.

    (This option only takes effect in combination with format: 'hex'.)

  • hash: boolean (default: true)
    …returns a hex value with or without leading hash.

    (This option only takes effect in combination with format: 'hex'.)

  • lowercase: boolean (default: false)
    …return a hex value with lowercase letters if set to true.

    (This option only takes effect in combination with format: 'hex'.)

  • alpha: number (default: 1)
    …returns a CSS rgba(…) value with alpha value, if alpha is lower than 1.

    (This option only takes effect in combination with format: 'rgb'.)


MIT © Simon Lepel