
A static site generator for gulp supporting markdown, templates, pretty URLs and more.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A static site generator for gulp supporting markdown, templates, pretty URLs and more.

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  • render templates to html (customizable template engine, defaults to jade)
  • render markdown to html and wrap it in a layout template (customizable markdown engine, defaults to marked)
  • extract frontmatter data from all markdown, template and html files (using gray-matter)
  • provide recursively merged options.data, basic site structure data, stream data and frontmatter data for template usage
  • sanitize file and folder names and create seo-friendly/pretty urls (using slug)
  • pass-through all files that are not markdown, templates or html
  • transform drafts only in development environment
  • customizable options and behavior


You can find an example implementation in ./demo within this plugin's repository.

Setup and usage

Install gulp-static-site-generator using npm.

This module is a gulp plugin. You can use it in your gulpfile.js:

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    ssg = require('gulp-static-site-generator');

var options = {
  // your custom options

gulp.task('ssg', function() {
  return gulp.src('./src/site/**/*')


Defaults overview

  basePath: '/',
  data: {},
  defaultLayout: false,
  jade: jade,
  jadeOptions: {
    basedir: path.join(process.cwd(), 'src')
  layoutPath: 'layouts',
  marked: marked,
  markedOptions: {
    renderer: renderer
  prettyUrls: true,
  regexpHtml: /\.html$/i,
  regexpMarkdown: /\.(md|markdown)$/i,
  regexpTemplate: /\.jade$/i,
  renderCode: renderCode,
  renderTemplate: renderTemplate,
  renderMarkdown: renderMarkdown,
  slugify: true,
  slugOptions: {
    mode: 'rfc3986',
    remove: /^\./g


Options properties


Type: String

Default: '/'

The base path to generate URL paths. Note that this is only for URL path generating and should not contain protocol or domain.


Type: Object

Default: {}

Global template data. See also readme section about template data.


Type: String

Default: false

Path to default layout, relative to options.layoutPath. Will be used for template data's layout property, which can be overridden using frontmatter. See also readme section about template data.


Type: Object

Default: require('jade') (included dependency)

jade module. You can set your own required jade, i.e. to use a specific version or applying custom filters.


Type: Object


  basedir: path.join(process.cwd(), 'src')

Options passed to options.jade.compile.


Type: String

Default: 'layouts'

Path to layouts, relative to process.cwd() or absolute.


Type: Function

Default: require('marked')

marked module. You can set your own required marked to use a specific version.


Type: Object


  renderer: renderer // marked renderer with customized code highlighting

Options passed to options.marked.setOptions.


Type: Boolean

Default: true

If set to true, all files, which are not recognized as markdown, templates or HTML, will be passed-through untransformed.


Type: Boolean

Default: true

If set to true, all URL paths will be transformed to seo-friendly or so called "pretty" URLs (for example, /foo.html will be transformed to /foo/index.html).

If a file would generate an URL path, that is already owned by another file in buffer, output of this file is skipped and a warning is displayed in console log.


Type: RegExp

Default: /\.html$/i

A regular expression to recognize a file as HTML by testing its relative file path.


Type: RegExp

Default: /\.(md|markdown))$/i

A regular expression to recognize a file as Markdown by testing its relative file path.


Type: RegExp

Default: /\.jade$/i

A regular expression to recognize a file as Template by testing its relative file path.


Type: Function

Default: renderCode (see source)

A function to render and highlight the string contents of a markdown sourcecode block. The default function uses highlight.js for syntax highlighting. It accepts the two string parameters code and lang and should return a string containing HTML.

The function is used as code renderer for the marked renderer referenced at options.markedOptions.renderer.


Type: Function

Default: renderTemplate (see source)

A function to render a template string to HTML, using jade by default. It accepts three parameters: a template contents string to render, an optional object with template data and an optional absolute filepath string to correctly include or extend other template files. It should return a string containing HTML.

When setting a custom template rendering function, the options jade and jadeOptions won't have any effect.


Type: Function

Default: renderMarkdown (see source)

A function to render markdown to HTML, using marked by default. It accepts a markdown contents string as the only argument and should return a string containing HTML.

Beside being used to render markdown files, this function is also referenced as options.jade.filters.markdown to render markdown blocks or includes in jade templates.

When setting a custom markdown rendering function, the options marked, markedOptions and renderCode won't have any effect.


Type: Boolean

Default: true

If set to true, folder and file names within the generated URL path of a file will be sanitized by slug.


Type: Object


  mode: 'rfc3986',
  remove: /^\./g

Options passed to slug.

Template Data

Template data will be passed to options.renderTemplate to set template variables when rendering.

The template data for a file results from an recursive merge of options.data, basic site structure data, the respective file stream's data property and the data extracted from the file's frontmatter using gray-matter.

Basic site structure data

The basic site structure data for each file is automatically generated during transformation and can be overridden by applying data to the respective stream or setting frontmatter in the file contents.

By overriding data.relativePath, you can manipulate the files output URL path, which would otherwise be generated from the source file's relative path.

Assuming the source file foo.jade was globbed with gulp.src('./src/**.*') with /bar as current working directory, the basic site structure data of this file using default options without overrides would look like this:

  basePath: '/',                  // url base path from options.basePath
  relativePath: 'foo/index.html', // relative url path from base path
  path: '/foo/index.html',        // full url path to file
  urlPath: '/foo/',               // prettified URL path (depending on `options.prettyUrls`)
  srcBasePath: '/bar/src/',       // absolute path to source base dir
  srcRelativePath: 'foo.jade',    // relative path to source file from source base dir
  srcPath: '/bar/src/foo.jade',   // absolute path to source file
  contents: '',                   // contents to use in a layout template
  draft: false,                   // is this a draft?
  layout: false                   // path to layout template, relative to `options.layoutPath`


MIT © 2016 Simon Lepel