
encrypts passwords for many hosts into a single vault

Primary LanguageShell


Encrypts passwords for many hosts into a single vault file. This is for organisations that have automated password release systems that generate a new random password per host for a time period. All the passwords can be captured and encrypted into a single yaml file.

Run vagrant up then vagrant ssh to login. change directory to the /vagrant_data. install the prerequisites with prerequisites.sh and the test play with run_ansible.sh.

Note that the demo passes the following test variable as JSON on the commandline:

# the list of hostnames. expected to be configured as extra vars in a tower template
  - host_one
  - host_two
# the passwords for each host. expected to be collected via an ansible tower survey
host_one: password1
host_two: password2

Note that this playbook is designed to run against locahost. You will then need to upload the resultant file /tmp/all_passwds.yml localhost to wherever you can use it e.g., git.

The script decrypt.sh tests that the resultant map can be printed out.