OpenAIGPT4 is a Perl module that enables developers to interface with the OpenAI GPT-4 API. With this module, you can easily generate natural language text.
- Generate text that sounds like natural language with the OpenAI GPT-4 API.
You can install this module from CPAN using one of the following commands:
With CPAN:
cpan OpenAIGPT4
cpanm OpenAIGPT4
Here is a basic example of using this module:
First, import the module and create a new OpenAIGPT4 object:
use OpenAIGPT4;
my $gpt = OpenAIGPT4->new('<your_api_key>');
Then, generate text by providing a prompt:
my $prompt = "Once upon a time";
my $generated_text = $gpt4->generate_text($prompt);
print $generated_text;
This module depends on the following Perl modules:
- LWP::UserAgent
- LWP::Protocol::https
- HTTP::Request::Common
This module is distributed under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.
Please see LICENSE for more details.