
Equality Saturation for a small pure language

Primary LanguageHaskell

# Info about the project
This work has been done for the course Frontiers of Programming
Languages during the month of September in 2010. It presents a novel way
of doing optimizations in the style of equality saturation. This explores
the space of equivalent terms to and the best i.e. the optimized term. In
d to other approaches all terms will be saved and can be used to and new equivalent terms.

# How to build
Make sure you have Haskell version 6.12 or newer. 
Run the following commands
> cabal configure
> cabal build

# How to use
To try an example program to optimize first build the project and then run
> ./dist/build/PureEqSat/PureEqSat -f examples/ex1.pes

To see the various flags PureEqSat accepts run the program with --help

WORD OF CAUTION: ex6.pes and ex7.pes are examples where the rule engine don't cut it.
Waiting for the results can lead to the end of the universe...