
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


High level overview

General note on database structure.

All data is associtated with Persons so to insert anything the persons that data applies to has to be inserted first.

There are separate modules for each type of data, genomics, metabolomics, proteomics and so forth. Currently only the genomics and metabolomics modules are implemented.

More freeform data, blood pressure or other clinical measurements for example, always have to be associated with a visit. This includes cases where there's more freeform information related to for example metabolomics data, then a visit has to be defined for that and then you can add that to the database.

Location of database

The location of the database is configured with the sqlalchemy.url key in the alembic.ini file, both alembic, the database migration engine, and all loading scripts read this file to connect to the database.

For a simple SQLite database this should be configured something like this:

sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///database.db

It is possible to specify other database backends but that is currently untested functionality so it will probably not work without changes to the loading scripts and/or schema.


Python 3 and pip preferably with virtualenv.

To install prerequisites using virtualenv (replace venv with whatever you feel like):

$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Initialize database

$ alembic upgrade head

Insert data into database


$ bin/person_insert.py -h
usage: person_insert.py [-h] --identifier IDENTIFIER --group GROUP --sex SEX

Insert a perons in the database

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --identifier IDENTIFIER
                        Identifier for the person
  --group GROUP         Experimental group
  --sex SEX             The sex, M, F or U
$ bin/person_isnert.py --identifier H1234 --group Control --sex U


The inserter assumes that the genotyping data is in the extra columns of the vcf standard. One column for each person with the person identifier as the column header. Remember to add these persons to the database before running the script.

$ bin/vcf_insert.py -h
usage: vcf_insert.py [-h] --file FILE

Insert an vcf data in the database

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --file FILE  VCF-file containing data
$ bin/vcf_insert.py --file file.vcf


Metabolomics data is tab-separated files with persons as rows and metabolites as columns. Since there can be multiple different techniques used for the same sample you have to supply a technology and tissue for each insertion, also a note can be useful (e.g. source of data or some other information that might be good to have). Each file will be imported as one metabolomics experiment.

$ bin/metabolomics_insert.py -h
usage: metabolomics_insert.py [-h] --file FILE --technology TECHNOLOGY
                              --tissue TISSUE --note NOTE

Insert metabolomics data

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file FILE           TSV with metabolomics data
  --technology TECHNOLOGY
                        The technology that was used (lcms, gcms...)
  --tissue TISSUE       The tissue that was sampled
  --note NOTE           Information about this metabolomics experiment
$ bin/metabolomics_insert.py --file metabolomcs.tsv --note nice-stuff --technology lcms --tissue liver

Add metadata about the metabolites

The id parameter specifies the name of the column that contains the primary id for the metabolites, the one that is used when adding the values above.

$ bin/metabolomics_add_entity_mappings.py -h
usage: metabolomics_add_entity_mappings.py [-h] --file FILE --id ID

Insert metabolomics entity info

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --file FILE  TSV containing info
  --id ID      The name of the ID column
$ bin/metabolomics_add_entity_mappings.py --file mappings.tsv --id custom_ID


Images are stored as blobs more or less as the vtk-file is reprenseted. Though the header of the vtk file is inserted into a separate table and the binary image information is then inserted as a blob.

$ bin/image_insert.py -h
usage: image_insert.py [-h] --person PERSON --image IMAGE --type TYPE

Insert an image in the database

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --person PERSON  Person ID
  --image IMAGE    VTK image file
  --type TYPE      Type of image (fat, water, etc.)
$ bin/image_insert.py --person H1234 --image file.vtk --type fat

There are also scripts for exporting and listing images in the database.

Visits and information about them

Since this is more free from data there are a few restrictions put on the input file to enable a more straightforward import of the data into the database. I have made the following assumptions about the input datafile:

  1. Input file is tab separated.

  2. No column value may contain a tab.

  3. First column contains the person ID (must already exist in the database)

  4. Visit information is specified as following

    There has to be at least 2 column with information about the visit:

    • visit_date - the date of the visit
    • visit_code - the visit code of the visit

    There can also be a column called visit_comment that has a freeform comment with details about the visit.

  5. All the other columns in the file will then be added as key:value pairs associated with the specified visit.

Note that if there's some extra information that is related to for example the metabolomics data, the best way to add this information is as a visit. One way to link this information is to use the visit_code as the note for the metabolomics experiment.

$ bin/visit_insert.py -h
usage: visit_insert.py [-h] --file FILE

Add information about persons to the database

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --file FILE  TSV file with data
$ bin/visit_insert.py --file visit_information.tsv

TODOs for a future iteration

  • Support multiple database engines (postgresql, mysql).
  • Support for more types of data. Proteomics and such. It is probably possible to abstract the metabolomics module of the database in a way so that the database structure can be shared.
  • Scripts to export data.