Instructions and hints on how to run for the OpenMP lab

Where to run

The exercises will be run on PDC's CRAY XC-40 system Beskow:

How to login

To access PDC's cluster you should use your laptop and the Eduroam or KTH Open wireless networks.

Instructions on how to connect from various operating systems.

More about the environment on Beskow

The Cray automatically loads several modules at login.

Running OpenMP programs on Beskow

First it is necessary to book a node for interactive use:

salloc -A <allocation-name> -N 1 -t 1:0:0

Then the aprun command is used to launch an OpenMP application:

aprun -n 1 -d <number of threads> -cc none ./example.x

In this example we will start one task with 32 threads (there are 32 cores per node on the Beskow nodes).

It is important to use the aprun command since otherwise the job will run on the Beskow login node.

OpenMP Exercises

The aim of these exercises is to give an introduction to OpenMP programming. All examples are available in both C and Fortran90.