
A Simple, easy-to-use, highly customizable Installer Framework built with Qt

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

SIF: Simple Installer Framework

A Simple, easy-to-use, highly customizable Installer Framework built with Qt

Copyright © 2019 Carlos Enrique Pérez Sánchez

This project is under the GPLv3 license


Simple Installer Framework (SIF for short) is an alternative to Qt Installer Framework. It is intended to be used as a statically compiled library. It is a non-GUI library, what means that you must provide the graphics by using either Qt Widgets or Qt Quick.

SIF features:

  • Asynchronous fetching and extraction operations
  • Make your own custom UI
  • Designed to work well with both Qt Widgets and Qt Quick
  • Logic separated from the view


The framework uses Qt. Any Qt 5 version should work, but I always recommend having the latest LTS release.

How to add it to my project?

You can compile SIF from Qt Creator or running qmake then make (or equivalent) in the root of the project, and link the resulting static library to your project. For example, if you have the library SimpleInstallerFramework.a and its header file copied in lib/SimpleInstallerFramework/ inside the root of your project, then you can link to it by simply adding to your .pro file:

LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/SimpleInstallerFramework/ -lSimpleInstallerFramework

Otherwise, you can add the class Installer (i.e. the files installer.h and installer.cpp) to your project.

How to interact with it?

First, set the organization and the application name:


You can also set the organization domain and the application version.

Second, the installer search for files to extract in the following resource locations:

  • Windows: ":/windows/data"
  • macOS: ":/macos/data"
  • Unix: ":/unix/data"

So you must ensure that such paths can be found. As a tip, the following folder structure is followed in our examples:

|  |
|  |――windows/
|  |  |
|  |  |――data/
|  |
|  |――macos/
|  |  |
|  |  |――data/
|  |
|  |――unix/
|  |  |
|  |  |――data/

... and then, in each operating system folder, we create a data.qrc Qt resource file with the prefix /os_name and add it to the project (.pro) file.

Simple Installer Framework consists in just one class: Installer. Its properties, methods and signals are explained bellow.


  • installationPath: QString

    Access descriptors: getInstallationPath() and setInstallationPath()

    Notifier signal: installationPathChanged(const QString &)

    This is the path where you want to install your software. By default, it chooses the appropriate path for you Operating System:

    • Windows:
      • C:/Program files/Organization/ApplicationName (if OS x86 and app x86 or OS x64 and app x64) or,
      • C:/Program files (x86)/Organization/ApplicationName (if OS x64 and app x86)
    • macOS:
      • /Applications
    • Unix:
      • ~/Applications

    Observe that Windows and macOS default installation paths are not writable without elevated privilegies.
    Unix refers to Linux or any other Unix-based OS except Darwin systems.

    Every time this property is set, it triggers an update of the property installationPathIsValid, so you must check the validity of the new path.

  • [read-only] installationPathIsValid: bool

    Access descriptors: getInstallationPathIsValid()

    Notifier signal: installationPathIsValidChanged(bool)

    This property is updated when the installationPath changes. It is true when the installation path is valid, and false otherwise. You must check the state of this property when you set the installation path:

    // We'll assume we're on Windows x64 and app x64
    Installer inst; // installationPath = "C:/Program files/MyOrg/MyApp"
    QString newPath = QString("D:/My Games/") + QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName() + "/" + QCoreApplication::setApplicationName();
    if (inst.getInstallationPathIsValid()) {
        // do the thing
    } else {
        // show a warning, ask again, etc...
  • [read-only] installationPathError: Installer::InstallationPathError

    Access descriptors: getInstallationPathError()

    Notifier signal: installationPathErrorChanged(Installer::InstallationPathError)

    The error code of the last operation that failed. You should use installationPathErrorString to show human-readable error messages. Can be one of:

    InstallationPathError Description
    NoPathError No error, all is Ok
    PathNotSpecified No path specified
    PathIsAFile Path is a file
    PathIsNotAbsolute Path is not absolute
    PathIsNotEmpty Path is not empty
  • [read-only] installationPathErrorString: QString

    Access descriptors: getInstallationPathErrorString()

    Notifier signal: installationPathErrorStringChanged(const QString &)

    Human-readable description of the error code represented by installationPathError.

  • [read-only] installerStatus: Installer::InstallerStatus

    Access descriptors: getInstallerStatus()

    Notifier signal: installerStatusChanged(Installer::InstallerStatus)

    The status of the installer. Can be one of:

    InstallerInstallerStatus Description
    Idle The installer is idle (i.e., in stand-by)
    FetchingFiles Searching for files to install
    ExtractingPackages Extracting files to the selected installation path
    ExtractionFinished The extraction finished successfully
    ExtractionCanceled The extraction was canceled
    RevertingInstallation The installation has been canceled and it's being reverted
    ErrorOccurred An error occurred
  • [read-only] totalSize: long long int

    Access descriptors: getTotalSize()

    Notifier signal: totalSizeChanged(long long int)

    The total size of all files that are going to be installed.

  • [const] [read-only] currentOS: QOperatingSystemVersion::OSType

    Access descriptors: getCurrentOS()

    The version of the operating system the application is running on. This property exists for convenience with Qt Quick UIs, because from C++ you can always use QOperatingSystemVersion::currentType() directly to get the same result.


  • Installer::Installer(QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Constructs a new instance of an Installer.

  • [virtual] Installer::~Installer()

    Destructs an Installer instance.

  • QString Installer::getDataPath()

    Get the path where the installer search for files to install, by default in the resource path ":/os_name/data". For example, if you're on Windows, it search in ":/windows/data", if you're on macOS, it search in ":/macos/data" and under a Unix (not Darwin) system it search in ":/unix/data".

  • Installer::setDataPath(const QString &newDataPath)

    As explained earlier, by default, SIF search for files to install in the resource path ":/os_name/data". It is strongly recommended to not change the default path because it wipes out the cross-platform behavior, but you can still call this function if you really want to do so.

  • [slot] void Installer::extractAll()

    Calling this method starts asynchronous fetching and extraction of all files. After this function is called, the installerStatus property is set to InstallerStatus::FetchingFiles. If any error occur, the installerStatus is set to InstallerStatus::ErrorOccurred. If the operation completes successfully, installerStatus is set to InstallerStatus::ExtractionFinished.

  • [slot] void Installer::requestProgress()

    After calling this method, the signal progressReported() will be emitted with the progress of the extraction/reversion. A handle must then capture the signal and react accordingly. GUI applications should call this function periodically (i.e. using a QTimer or Timer) while the status of the installer is InstallerInstallerStatus::ExtractingPackages or InstallerInstallerStatus::RevertingInstallation.

  • [slot] void Installer::cancel()

    Call this function to cancel the extraction process. The installer will then enter the InstallerInstallerStatus::RevertingInstallation status and start deleting the installed files. After that, the installerStatus property will be set to InstallerInstallerStatus::ExtractionCanceled.

  • [slot] bool Installer::addDesktopShortcut(const QString &linkName = QCoreApplication::applicationName(), const QString &executableEntryFilePath = QString())

    Call this function to add a shortcut file named linkName in the desktop. The links points to executableEntryFilePath. By default, linkName is the application's name, and executableEntryFilePath is empty, which means that it points to the appropriate files depending of the operating system where the installer is running:

    OS Executable entry file path
    Windows <Installation path>/<Application Name>.exe
    macOS <Installation path>/<Application Name>.app
    Unix <Applications Location>/<Organization Name>-<Application Name>.desktop

    We strongly recommend to not specify a value to executableEntryFilePath, unless the name of the executable do not match the name of the application as set with QCoreApplication::setApplicationName().

  • [slot] bool Installer::addWindowsStartMenuEntry(const QString &linkName = QCoreApplication::applicationName(), const QString &filePath = QString())

    Call this function to add an entry named linkName (the application's name by default) that points to filePath to the Windows Start Menu. If the filePath is not specified, it defaults to <Installation path>/<Application Name>.exe. This function does nothing on non-Windows operating systems.

  • [slot] void Installer::addWindowsControlPanelUninstallerEntry(const QString &applicationDescription, const QString &applicationFilePath = QString(), const QString &uninstallerFilePath = QString(), const QString &modifierApplicationFilePath = QString(), const QString &repairerApplicationFilePath = QString(), const QString &moreInfoUrl = QString())

    Call this function to add an entry (usually for an uninstaller) in the Control Panel of a Windows operating system. A brief description of the application must be provided in applicationDescription. The rest of arguments are optional and will be explained bellow:

    • applicationFilePath is the application which icon will be shown in the entry, and if not specified, defaults to <Installation path>/<Application Name>.exe.
    • uninstallerFilePath is the path to the executable that will be used as uninstaller. If not specified, defaults to <Installation path>/uninstall.exe.
    • modifierApplicationFilePath is the path to the executable that will be used to modify the existing installation, usually an updater. By default, it's empty, which means that no application is provided.
    • repairerApplicationFilePath is the path to the executable that will be used to repair the existing installation. By default, it's empty, which means that no application is provided.
    • moreInfoUrl is an URL that will be used to obtain more information about the application. Empty by default.

    This function does nothing on non-Windows operating systems.


  • [signal] fetchingStarted()

    This signal is emitted just before the installer starts searching files to extract.

  • [signal] extractionStarted()

    This signal is emitted just before the installer starts extracting files.

  • [signal] progressReported(double progress)

    This signal is emitted after requestProgress() is called. progress is the value of the progress of extraction/reversion.

  • [signal] extractionFinished()

    This signal is emitted just after the installer finished extracting files.

  • [signal] reversionFinished()

    This signal is emitted just after the installer finished deleting the installed files.

  • [signal] extractionError(QFile::FileError errorCode, const QString &errorString)

    This signal is emitted when an error occur while extracting files. errorCode is the code of the error, and errorString is its description.

  • [signal] void reversionFailed()

    This signal is emitted if occur an error during reversion.


There's my TODO list:

  • Unix:
    • Add desktop entry


This project is under the GPLv3 license (see http://fsf.org/ for more information).

Contact information

e-mail: thecrowporation@gmail.com