
DAT210 Programvareutvikling

Primary LanguageJava


DAT210 Programvareutvikling

Glare - The ultimate Instagram and Twitter stalking searcher!

Glare is a tool to search for picture on Twitter and Instagram. The application runs in fullscreen showing the pictures you searched for, just like a picture frame. There is posibilities to manage hashtags, pictures, displaytime through a settings panel.

How to run Glare


 	1. Add connection named "glare" in MySQLWorkbench
 	2. Set username as "root"
 	3. No password
 	4. Create schema named "glare"
 	5. You're good to go, take a sip of Diet Coke:)

Access tokens

  1. Create conf.ini and save it in the src/resource folder.
  2. Add following information:
         consumer_key="your twitter consumer key"
         consumer_secret="your twitter consumer secret"
         access_token="your instagram access token"
         access_token_secret="your instagram access token secret"
         client_id="your instagram client id"

Run the application and begin stalking.

If you want to run Hibernate Tests:

 1. Click on "hibernate.cfg.xml" in src folder
 2. Change from "update" to "create" where it says "hbm2ddl.auto"
 3. Run hibernate/db tests
 4. Change back from "create" to "update" when you want to run the application