Scrapper/Crawler designed specifically for to make easier to check quickly your desired searches.
Disclaimer: The project is for learning purposes. It was a quick idea I wanted to play around with. Future improvements may come as I think of such and have the time for those.
- Can sort by Price [ASC/DESC]
- Can filter by the specific neighborhood (gathered from all results)
- Removes any duplicated offers from agencies (based on the description)
- Shows all results on a single page
- Fetched results are cached for 1 hour
You need to provide your desired search in as environment variable TARGET_URL
so it can be crawled. Important: at the end of the url you'll see the page parameter &f1=1
, which is reqired to be set to 1. Example with
yarn install
npm install
yarn dev
npm run dev
yarn build
yarn start
npm run build
npm run start
We're using Nuxt SSR/Universal - Please refer to Nuxt Docs for more information about the deployment.
We use Nuxt to have a Node server & FE framework in single project and to be able call the target API from the server to overpass CORS issues, etc. The scrapping logic is under serverMiddleware/crawler.js
. You can clone the scraper and use your own frontend framework or styling, it's not bind to Nuxt/Vue specifically.
With node-cache we limit the crawling to only once per hour (if you don't stop the server of course - this means also starting/stopping the app in development mode).