Lambda School Computer Science Academy Syllabus

Week 1

Project 1 - Orientation & Basic JavaScript Review

  • Topics

    • ES6
      • arrow functions
      • const & let + block scope
      • template literals
      • default parameters
    • Understand linting and the AirBnB linter
    • if statements
      • logical operators
        • &&
        • ||
        • !
      • boolean values
    • for loops
    • arrays
      • .push & .pop
      • .length
      • .shift & .unshift
      • .slice & .splice
      • .split & .join
      • .reverse
      • .indexOf
      • iteration over an array using a for loop
      • .forEach
    • objects
      • key value pairs
      • dot notation
      • bracket notation
      • iteration with Object.keys()
      • methods
      • delete
    • functions
      • parameters and arguments
      • scope
      • anonymous functions
      • return
  • Project:

Advanced JavaScript

  • Topics
    • Advanced JavaScript
      • higher order functions
        • closure
        • callback functions
      • recursion
      • classes
        • inheritance
      • this
        • 4 rules
          • constructor binding
          • binding in methods
          • global/window object
          • .call, .apply, .bind
  • Project:

Week 2

Data Structures I

  • Topics

    • Big O Notation and complexity analysis
    • Stacks
    • Queues
    • Linked lists
    • Hash tables
      • Resizing
  • Project:

Data Structures II

Week 3


  • Topics

    • Document Object Model
    • Chrome dev tools
    • File structure
    • HTML elements
      • script
      • ul
      • li
      • p
      • a
        • href
      • img
        • src
      • ol
      • link
        • rel
        • href
      • div
      • head
      • html
      • body
      • title
    • JavaScript DOM interaction
      • document
        • getElementById
        • getElementsByClassName
        • event listeners
  • Project:

React I

  • Topics

    • React
      • components
      • functional vs class components
      • state
      • props
      • JSX
      • lifecycle methods
    • React dev tools
    • SASS
    • npm
    • webpack
    • babel
  • Project:

Week 4

React II

  • Topics

    • create-react-app
    • .map
    • nested component composition
    • propTypes
    • onClick
  • Project:


  • Topics

    • redux
    • react-redux
    • state
    • reducers
    • containers / smart components
    • connect
    • mapStateToProps
    • mapDispatchToProps
    • functional application design
  • Project:

Week 5


  • Topics

    • redux-thunk
    • axios
    • AJAX
    • promises
    • redux middleware
    • applyMiddleware
  • Project:


  • Topics

    • react-router
      • RouteProvider as Route
      • Link
      • Switch
    • componentDidMount
  • Project:

Week 6

Client Testing

  • Topics

    • jest
    • unit testing
    • snapshot testing
    • describe
    • it
    • expect
  • Project:


  • Topics

    • Node
    • express
    • RESTful APIs
    • req
      • req.body
    • res
      • res.send
    • route parameters
    • query parameters
    • Postman
    • body-parser
    • app.use
    • app.listen
    • app.get
  • Project:

Week 7

MongoDB I

  • Topics

    • Databases
    • relational vs non-relational
    • ORM
    • collections
    • documents
    • mongod
    • daemons
    • models
    • mongoose
    • mongoose.connect
    • mongoose.Schema
    • mongoose.model
    • module.exports
    • Model.find
    • Model.findById
    • Model.find().remove()
    • .save
    • error first callback
    • _id
  • Project:

MongoDB II

  • Topics

    • File structure
    • HOFs
    • Controllers
    • Models
    • Schema.methods
    • Schema.statics
    • Schema.pre('save', cb);
    • required: true
    • validate: {}
    • Nested Schema
  • Project:

Week 8


Repo coming soon


  • Topics

    • bcrypt-nodejs
    • jwt-simple
    • passport
    • passport-jwt
    • passport-local
    • bcrypt
    • salt
    • rainbow tables
    • never store plain-text passwords
    • JWT
    • token-based authentication
    • stateless authentication
    • JWT secret
  • Project:

Week 9

Client Auth

  • Topics

    • localStorage
    • axios's config object
    • http headers
    • CORS
  • Project:

Server Testing

Repo coming soon

Week 10

DevOps & Deployment

Repo coming soon

React Native I

  • Topics

    • React Native
    • iOS
    • Android
    • Text
    • View
    • Image
    • StyleSheet
    • Expo
    • flexbox
  • Project:

Week 11

React Native II

  • Topics

    • AsyncStorage
    • TextInput
    • Button
    • react-navigation
    • this.props.navigation
    • this.props.navigation.navigate('Route')
    • StackNavigator
    • static navigationOptions
    • ListView
  • Project:

React Native III

  • Topics

    • localStorage
    • axios's config object
    • http headers
    • CORS
  • Project:

Week 12

Break Week & Personal Project

Week 13

Computer Architecture I

  • Topics
    • logic gates
    • binary
    • binary arithmetic
    • machine code
    • CPU
    • memory
    • RAM
    • storage

Computer Architecture II

  • Topics
    • kernels
    • shells
    • bash
    • bash scripting
    • file systems

Week 14

Computer Architecture III

  • Topics
    • C

C++ I

  • Topics
    • data types
      • int
      • double
      • long
      • float
      • char
      • string
      • bool
    • functions
    • control flow
      • if
      • for
      • boolean logic
    • pointers

Week 15

C++ II

  • Topics
    • classes
    • inheritance
    • methods
    • polymorphism
    • private


  • Topics
    • multi threading

Week 16

Data Structures I

  • Topics
    • strings
    • arrays
    • vectors

Data Structures II

  • Topics
    • linked lists
    • hash tables

Week 17

Data Structures III

  • Topics
    • trees
    • graphs

Algorithms I

  • Topics
    • BFS
    • DFS
    • binary search

Week 18

Algorithms II

  • Topics
    • quick sort
    • merge sort
    • recursion & dynamic programming

Operating Systems I

  • Topics
    • processes

Week 19

Operating Systems II

  • Topics
    • memory management

Operating Systems III

  • Topics
    • file systems
    • virtualization

Week 20

V8 Project I

  • Topics
    • Chrome V8 Engine
    • JavaScript structure
    • shell

Week 21

Relational Databases I

  • Topics
    • SQL
      • CRUD

Relational Databases II

  • Topics
    • Postgres
    • sequelize
    • joins

Week 22

Capstone Project

Capstone Project

Week 23

Capstone Project

Capstone Project

Week 24

Capstone Project

Capstone Project

Week 25

Capstone Project

Capstone Project

Week 26

Interview Prep

Repo coming soon

Job Search Prep

Repo coming soon