
A collection of shodan modules for ansible

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Shodan Modules

Sponsor Ansible License

This collection provides Ansible modules for interacting with the Shodan API. The modules allow you to perform various tasks related to Shodan, such as querying information, searching for hosts, and more.


This collection includes the following modules:


You can install this collection using the following command:

ansible-galaxy collection install simeononsecurity.ansible_shodan

See the collection on the Ansible Galaxy page.


To use these modules, include them in your Ansible playbooks or roles and reference them using their respective names. Here's an example playbook using the get_shodan_api_info module:

- name: Get Shodan API Info
  hosts: localhost
    - name: Get Shodan API Info
        api_key: your_shodan_api_key
      register: shodan_api_info

    - name: Display API Info
        var: shodan_api_info

You can find examples of all the ansible shodan modules used as playbooks.


Contributions to this collection are welcome! If you have improvements or new modules to add, please fork this repository, create a new branch, and submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


This Ansible Shodan Modules collection is authored by SimeonOnSecurity.


Special thanks to the Shodan API for providing the capabilities to interact with their service using Ansible.

Alternate Versions


If you need a version in powershell, we have our Shodan Powershell repo.

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