
Code from the 2007 C# Codecamp Puzzle

Primary LanguageC#


Code from the 2007 C# Codecamp Puzzle

So the puzzle for the code camp was to decode the Morse Code message:

Message Received - Decode Required

The following transmission was received from General Gates:

You must decode this to find the hidden message. Unfortunately, the message was damaged in transmission and all the spaces between the words were lost. However, we do know that only the following letters are in the message:

A .- B -... C -.-. D -.. E . F ..-. G --. H ....  
I .. J .--- K -.- L .-.. M --N -. O --- P .--.  
Q --.- R .-. S ... T - U ..- V ...- W .-- X -..-  
Y -.-- Z --..

We are also certain that the message only contains words in the standard military dictionary, located here. The are only 10 words in the message, five letter T's and four letter E's.

My original write-up is here