
This repo is associated with the following article:

Simeon Q Smeele, Stephen A Tyndel, Lucy M Aplin, Mary Brooke McElreath, Multilevel Bayesian analysis of monk parakeet contact calls shows dialects between European cities, Behavioral Ecology, 2023;, arad093, https://doi.org/10.1093/beheco/arad093

Reproducing results

To reproduce the results, scripts have to be run in the following order:

  1. First create the base data set with 00_create_base_data.R. This creates the object base_data_2022_08_17_10_00_03.RData that contains the basic information for each call. Calls are named with a file name and a selection integer from the selection table. These are concatenated into file_sel.

  2. To produce the distance matrix between parks run 01_dist_parks.R. This creates the object dist_parks.RData.

  3. Then run the code in the luscinia folder:

    • Run 00_find_jumps.R to check if there are any problematic jumps in the traces.

    • Run 01_create_traces.R to create the smoothened traces. NOTE: This script requires the raw audio data which is not available. This is only used to plot the spectrograms that are shared. Also note that the plotting take a while. You can skip this part as it is not required for the next steps.

    • Run 02_list_missing_files.R to list the contact calls that are not in the Luscinia traces file.

    • Then run the code in the cc folder to reproduce the results from cross correlation (see supplemental materials):

      • Run 00_run_cc.R to run the cross correlation on the traces. Note that this script runs on 4 threads. This setting can be adjusted. Windows users can only run on a single thread. This creates the RData objects with the results of PCO, PCA and UMAP.

      • Run 01_run_models.R to run the Bayesian multilevel models. This creates the model results for two dimensions from PCO, PCA and UMAP.

    • Then run the code in the dtw folder to reproduce the results from dynamic time warping (main text):

      • Run 00_run_dtw.R to run dynamic time warping on the traces.

      • Run 01_run_models.R to run the Bayesian multilevel models. This creates the model results for two dimensions from PCO, PCA and UMAP.

    • Then run the code in the trace measurements folder to run the measurements on the traces (see supplemental materials):

      • Run 00_measure_traces.R to run the measurements. This creates trace_measurements.RData with the measurements and a pdf with examples.

      • Run 01_run_univariate_models.R to run the Bayesian multilevel models. This creates the model results for each measurement.

4 . Then run the code in the spcc to reproduce the results of spectrographic cross correlation (see supplemental materials):

- Run `00_create_spec_objects.R` to create the spec objects (modified spectrograms). **NOTE**: This script requires the raw audio data which is not available. This creates `spec_objects - contact 2019.RData` with the spec objects. 
- Run `01_run_spcc.R` to run the actual spectrorgraphic cross correlation. **NOTE**: This step takes a lot of computing power and is best done on a HPC. This script runs on 40 threads. This setting can be adjusted. Windows users can only run on a single thread. This creates `o - contact 2019.RData` with all the distances in a vector. 

- Run `02_prepare_data.R` to prepare the results for the model. This creates the RData objects with the results of PCO, PCA and UMAP.

- Run `03_run_models.R` to run the Bayesian multilevel models. This creates the model results for two dimensions from PCO, PCA and UMAP.
  1. To plot the final figures run 02_plot_final_figures.R.

  2. To create the table with sample effort run 03_create_table_effort.R.

  3. To plot spectrograms of examples of the contact call variants run 04_variants.R. NOTE: This script requires the raw audio data which is not available.

  4. To check if any models had issues fitting the data run 05_run_model_checks.R. It will output the diagnostics in the console.

  5. To reproduce the sensitivity analysis run the code in the univariate model folder:

    • Run 00_simulate_clean.R to simulate data with perfect labelling (individual ID known) and analyse the results with the multilevel Bayesian model.

    • Run 01_simulate_noisy.R to simulate data with imperfect labelling (individual ID partially unknown) and analyse the results with the multilevel Bayesian model.

    • Run 03_plot_results.R to plot the results of the sensitivity analysis.

  6. To reproduce the inter-rate reliability analysis run 06_inter_rater_reliability.R script in the CODE folder. All 1000 files for the sorting were randomly selected.


To run the Bayesian models Stan needs to be installed. This is not an R package, but Stan can be run from R. For installation see: https://mc-stan.org/users/interfaces/.

The R code requires three libraries: cmdstanr to run the Stan engine, scales for transparent colours and knitr for the compilation of the pdf. All three can be installed from CRAN. To finish installing cmdstanr see: https://mc-stan.org/cmdstanr/.

All other packages will be automatically installed when running the R scripts.

Meta data

Large data files are not stored on GitHub. You can download everything here: https://doi.org/10.17617/3.CNXVJ7.

  • .gitignore

    • the invisible file telling git which files should not be synced (large or useless files)

    • the file you are reading now, everything that you need to know, or at least as much as we remembered to document

    • the folder with all scripts needed to reproduce the results, note that each script has a description in the header, for details see also "Reproducing results" in the README, see below for the files not explicitly described in that section
  • ANALYSIS/CODE/functions

    • the folder with all home-made functions needed, these are automatically loaded by the scripts that require them
  • ANALYSIS/CODE/markdowns/bibliography.bib

    • the bib files that contains all references for the markdowns
  • ANALYSIS/CODE/markdowns/sensitivity analysis.Rmd

    • the Rmarkdown file needed to reproduce the sensitivity analysis, description of steps within
  • ANALYSIS/CODE/markdowns/sensitivity-analysis.pdf

    • the pdf with the compiled results of the sensitivity analysis
  • ANALYSIS/CODE/markdowns/supplemental results.Rmd

    • the markdown file needed to reproduced the supplemental results, description of steps within
  • ANALYSIS/CODE/markdowns/supplemental-results.pdf

    • the pdf with the compiled supplemental results
  • ANALYSIS/CODE/univariate model/00_simulate_clean.R

    • R script to simulate dialect data for sensitivity analysis
  • ANALYSIS/CODE/univariate model/01_simulate_noisy.R

    • R script to simulate noisy dialect data for sensitivity analysis
  • ANALYSIS/CODE/univariate model/03_plot_results.R

    • R script to plot the output
  • ANALYSIS/CODE/univariate model/m_4.stan

    • Stan script with the multilevel model, description within
  • ANALYSIS/DATA/all_audio

    • folder containing all raw recordings
    • for each day there is a translation file that records the original file name and the new file name (as in this folder); the new filename consists of the date and time the recording was stored on the recorder (when the recording was finished)
    • NOTE: this file is not available on GitHub, but can be downloaded from Edmond
  • ANALYSIS/DATA/luscinia database

    • folder containing the Luscina data base file, can be used to view all the traces in Luscinia (is not required to reproduce the results since all traces are also stored in a csv - see below)
    • NOTE: this file is not available on GitHub, but can be downloaded from Edmond
  • ANALYSIS/DATA/overview parks/overview parks SAT.csv

    • data on parks collected by SAT
    • park_name: name of park
    • park_shorthand: which shorthand was used to make nest names
    • city: city
    • notes: whatever
    • nr_xxx: how many recording I have in each situation, not so important anymore
    • grass_present: if there is a patch of grass, yes = 1, no = 0
    • park_type: general description
    • palms: present = 1, not = 0
    • pine: same for pines
    • decidious: same for deciduous (just me spelling it wrong)
    • fruit_decidious: if there are fruit bearing deciduous trees
    • fruit_palms: if there are fruit bearing palms
  • ANALYSIS/DATA/overview parks/overview parks SQS.csv

    • data on parks collected by SQS
    • for meta data see above
  • ANALYSIS/DATA/overview parks/README.txt

    • meta data for files
  • ANALYSIS/DATA/overview recordings/overview recordings SAT.csv

    • meta data per recording collected by SAT
    • video_file_name: the name of the file
    • selected: whether or not I have done the selection table in Raven
    • situation: general what the recording is about
    • nr_individuals: nr of individual present if I have said that in the recording
    • park: which park
    • city: which city
    • notes: whatever you want
    • UTM: UTM separated by a space
    • nest: if recorded from one nest the nest code, if multiple all separated by /
    • gain: gain
    • video: if I have used video to annotate
  • ANALYSIS/DATA/overview recordings/overview recordings SQS.csv

    • meta data per recording collected by SQS
    • for meta data see above
  • ANALYSIS/DATA/overview recordings/README.txt

    • meta data for files
  • ANALYSIS/DATA/selection tables

    • folder with all selection tables from Raven Lite
    • file names is the file name of the audio file concatenated with .Table.1.selections.txt
    • Selection: index of selection
    • View: where the selection was made (this is always duplicated across waveform and spectrogram)
    • Channel: not relevant
    • Begin Time (s): the begin time of the selection in seconds
    • End Time (s): the end time of the selection in seconds
    • Low Freq (Hz): not relevant
    • High Freq (Hz): not relevant
    • Annotation: three bit of information if available: ID_behaviour_NumberOfIndividuals, ID: if the calling individual could be identified this is a unique ID (but as individuals were not marked, individuals can have multiple ID's across recordings), behaviour: the behaviour of the focal individual during or right before vocalising, NumberOfIndividuals: how many individuals were around during vocalisation
  • ANALYSIS/DATA/18_11_traces_luscinia.csv

    • csv file with the traces from Luscinia, the following column headers are output:
    • Individual: individual ID name
    • Song: specific recording track name
    • Syllable: not needed for this analysis
    • Phrase: not needed for this analysis
    • Element: not needed for this analysis
    • Time: Time step of fundamental frequency
    • Fundamental Frequency: point of fundamental frequency
  • ANALYSIS/DATA/Bad_Files_17_11.xlsx

    • excel file with the names for the traces that were not good enough to be analysed
    • Bad Files: the Luscinia file names (Individual) for the bad traces
    • Comment: info on what was bad or potentially still usefull
    • Remove: not used, all files were removed
  • ANALYSIS/DATA/Bad_Files_version_old_before_adjusted.xlsx

    • excel file with some names of poor traces that were also removed from the Luscinia database (only used to make sure we were not forgetting some traces
    • meta data not relevant
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/figures/distance/*

    • pdfs with the output of the distance models for the three cities with enough parks
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/figures/city_comparison.pdf

    • pdf for figure 3 in the main text
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/figures/composite*

    • pdfs for all composite figures for the combination of a method and a dimension reduction analysed with the Bayesian multilevel model
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/figures/fig_pco_paper.pdf

    • pdf for figure 4 in the main text
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/figures/figures_log.txt

    • txt file with log to keep track of which base data was used to generate the figures
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/figures/sensitivity analysis figure.pdf

    • pdf for the simulated data, can be compared to the composite figures to see how incorrect pooling can create spurious results
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/figures/sigmasXXX

    • pdfs for the sigma parameters, can be compared to the sensitivity analysis
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/figures/variant_plot.pdf

    • pdf for figure 5 in the main text
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/luscinia/missing_files.csv

    • empty csv, contained files that were not yet analysed in Luscinia
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/luscinia/missing_files_log.txt

    • log file to keep track on which base data was used to generate missing_files.csv
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/luscinia/traces.RData

    • data object containing all the traces from Luscinia
    • named list, names are file_selection, objects in list are numeric vectors of variable length
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/luscinia/traces_log.txt

    • log file to keep track on which base data was used to generate traces.RData
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/luscinia/cc/PCA cities.pdf

    • pdf for the results of cross correlation combined with PCA
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/luscinia/cc/PCO cities.pdf

    • pdf for the results of cross correlation combined with PCO
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/luscinia/cc/UMAP cities.pdf

    • pdf for the results of cross correlation combined with UMAP
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/luscinia/cc/cc_results.txt

    • log file to keep track on which base data was used to generate the cross correlation results
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/luscinia/dtw/PCA cities.pdf

    • pdf for the results of dynamic time warping combined with PCA
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/luscinia/dtw/PCO cities.pdf

    • pdf for the results of dynamic time warping combined with PCO
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/luscinia/dtw/UMAP cities.pdf

    • pdf for the results of dynamic time warping combined with UMAP
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/luscinia/dtw/dtw_results_log.txt

    • log file to keep track on which base data was used to generate the dynamic time warping results
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/luscinia/trace measurements/*

    • not used

    • eps files with maps of Europe and individuals cities
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/quality control/all good.csv

    • csv file with single column (no header) containing the file names for good quality calls
    • naming is "filename_raw_data.wav-selection", e.g., "2019_11_04_083724.wav-18"
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/sorting spectrograms/irr_observer_results.csv

    • csv file with three columns (index_match, call_type,bin_choice) containing the results of additional observer for categorizing contact calls vs non contact calls (to be directly compared to master_observer_results.csv)
  • ANALYSIS/RESULTS/sorting spectrograms/master_observer_results.csv

    • csv file with three columns (index_match, call_type,bin_choice) containing the results of authors for categorizing contact calls vs non contact calls (to be compared to irr_observer_results.csv)

Session info

R version 4.1.0 (2021-05-18)

Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)

Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.7

Maintainers and contact

Please contact Simeon Q. Smeele, ssmeele@ab.mpg.de or Stephen A. Tyndel stydel@ab.mpg.de, if you have any questions or suggestions.