How to use script:

  1. git clone the source
  2. place license files in ./license/ folder
  3. create folder as ~/st54 and place st54 binary into the folder
  4. IF parameters need to be changed THEN modify ./conf/mft.conf, e.g edit default port 8444 to something else.
  5. cd to ./CBA/MFT/CICD/scripts folder
  6. exec script: ./ eg. ./ server|edge
  7. check running ports after installation done  netstat -nlt


  • STS and STE communication (integration) : work in progress
  • Artifactory integration : Binary extraction and deplyment build should be stored in CBA's arctifactory

NOTE 1: the following parametes are configurable now (located at ./conf/mft.conf) InstallMode = Standard InstallDir = /app/Axway InstallTempDir = /home/mftcba/mytmp userName = mftcba isNonRootInstall = true dbType = useMySQLLocal mySQLPort = 33060 mySQLPort.Type = IPPortOwner mySQLPort.Max = 65535 mySQLPort.Min = 1024 sslAdminPort = 8444 IncludeFiles.SecureTransport =

NOTE 2: Below is the procedure to obtain property files required by the script

Silent installation – A silent installation method is available. This method of installation allows you to carry out an installation without any questions being asked by the installer. To perform a silent installation:

  1. Start the SecureTransport install in normal mode.
  2. Complete the installer dialog screens up until the point of installation (for example, before clicking Install).
  3. Create a copy of the two .properties files under <installation_root_directory>\SilentFile<date_and_time>_install\ to a temp folder.
  4. Quit the installation in normal mode.
  5. Run the installation with the following switches for silent install:# ./ -s /path/to/ Note Use the Axway Installer properties file for the silent install, not the SecureTransport properties file. Note Always provide the full path to the properties file, instead of a relative one.”


  1. Install using setup script with properties ./ -s /app/
    Initialization in progress
    Please wait while execution process is being prepared!
    The information below summarizes the installation status. Refer to install.log
    for more details.
    Installed in /app/Axway/
    Axway_Installer_4.8.0_SP3 has been applied successfully.
    Product: SecureTransport_V5.4
    Installed in /app/Axway/SecureTransport/
    JRE7 is not officially supported on the current OS
    distribution/version(CentOSLinux 7.7.1908) by its vendor.
    You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/mftcba