
  1. Golang
  2. Make

Steps to implement a discovery agent using this stub

  1. Locate the commented tag "CHANGE_HERE" for the package import paths in all files and fix them to reference your code path correctly.
  2. Run "make dep" to resolve the dependencies. This should resolve all dependency packages and vendor them under ./vendor directory
  3. Update Makefile to change the name of generated binary image from apic_discovery_agent to the desired name. Locate the comment "CHANGE_BINARY_NAME" and follow the instructions in the comment.
  4. Update pkg/cmd/root.go to change the agent yaml file name and description of the agent. Locate apic_discovery_agent and Sample Discovery Agent and replace with the desired values.
  5. Update your specific gateway configuration in pkg/config/config.go
    • Locate gateway-section in the sample YAML config file and replace it with the name of your gateway (e.g. MyGateway). Locate this same tag in pkg/cmd/root.go and sample YAML config file and replace it with the same name.
    • To run the sample agent and have it to discover the supplied sample APIs (found in the apis directory), you must change the config YAML file tag named specPath in the gateway-section. The value must be a fully qualified path to the folder (e.g. /home/me/
    • Define gateway specific config properties in GatewayConfig struct. Locate the struct variables ConfigKey1 & struct config_key_1 and replace them with your desired config properties.
    • Optionally add config validation for your config values. Locate the ValidateCfg() method in config.go and update the implementation to add validation specific to gateway specific config.
    • Optionally add ApplyResources configuration. Locate the ApplyResources() method in and update the implementation to add logic to copy ResourceConfiguration values to your gateway specific config.
    • Update the config binding with command line flags in init(). Locate gateway-section.config_key_1 (by now 'gateway-section' should have been changed to the name of your gateway in a step above) and add replace all config property bindings with the correct values
    • Update the initialization of gateway specific config by parsing the binded properties. Locate ConfigKey1 & gateway-section.config_key_1 (again, 'gateway-section' should have been changed to the name of your gateway in a step above) and add/replace all config properties
  6. Update pkg/gateway/client.go to implement the logic to discover and fetch the details related of the APIs.
    • Locate DiscoverAPIs() method and implement the logic
    • Locate buildServiceBody() method and update the Set*() method according to the API definition from gateway
  7. Run "make build" to build the agent
  8. Rename apic_discovery_agent.yml file to the agent name you previously specified in pkg/cmd/root.go and set up the agent config in the file.
  9. Copy the YAML config file to the bin directory.
  10. Execute the agent by running the binary file generated under bin directory.

Reference: SDK Documentation - Building Discovery Agent