Helmchart for Amplify API-Management


This Helmchart can be used to deploy the Axway API management solution on a Kubernetes environment. It is not tied to any dedicated version, i.e. you can deploy any version >=7.7 (e.g. 7.7.20210830) by configuring the corresponding ImageTag. Axway does not provide pre-built images as of today, so you have to build them yourself in advance, store them in your container registry and reference them accordingly in your local-values.


This Helmchart requires the following capabilities on the Kubernetes cluster:

  • A minimal Kubernetes version 1.11
  • kubectl installed and configured to your Kubernetes cluster
  • Helm is installed and configured
  • A configured Ingress-Controller depending on your platform
  • If persistence is enabled
    • A storage class with in RWM.
    • A storage class with in RWO.
  • A total resources of minimal 6vcpu and 8Go memory spread on 2 nodes.
  • A container registry with API-Gateway and API-Portal images
    • To learn more how to build API-Gateway Docker-Image click here
    • To learn more how to build/use the API-Portal Docker image click here

Even though this documentation tries to explain the deployment as best as possible, a solid understanding of your Kubernetes-Distribution, your underlying platform, Internet-Naming-Service and of course Helm is absolutely necessary for the installation.


The Helm chart provided is highly configuable and independent of the Kubernetes distribution with a few exceptions. With that, you can use it to deploy the solution on a plain Kubernetes, AWS Elastic Kubernetes service, Google GKE, etc., by providing a properly configured local-values.yaml file to the Helm process.

As a kick-starter, we have already provided sample values files including documentation for some environments.

Distribution Helm-Chart version Comment
AWS-EKS >= v2.0.0
Google GKE >= v2.1.0
OpenShift >= v2.x.x To be validated with refactored Helm-Chart

The list is not to say that the Helm chart cannot be used for other Kubernetes distributions, but just a list of the current provided example values and documentation.