CICD Demo for k8s deployment

This is for Backend API part exposing the following APIs without Security enforcement:

  • POST '/api/cicd/user' to createUser
  • PUT '/api/cicd/user/:id' to updateUser
  • DELETE '/api/cicd/user/:id' to deleteUser
  • GET '/api/cicd/user/:id' to getUserById
  • GET '/api/cicd/users' to get all Users

APIs with Security enforcement (using APIkey in Http Header):

  • POST '/api/cicd/apikey/user' to createUser
  • PUT '/api/cicd/apikey/user/:id' to updateUser
  • DELETE '/api/cicd/apikey/user/:id' to deleteUser
  • GET '/api/cicd/apikey/user/:id' to getUserById
  • GET '/api/cicd/apikey/users' to get all Users

The backend database is MongoDB Atlas.

[Add Microservices pattern description]

This project also supports CICD process. Particularily this project is to focus on CI part as follows:

  1. Develop code by integrating with Github @
  2. Test and validate locally
  3. Push to Jenkins:
    1. build docker image
    2. push image to Dockerhub
    3. initiate CD flow.

Jenkins is to trigger CD flow by notifying the change in Github source @