Lists of .NET Deobfuscator (Open Source)
- de4dot - .NET deobfuscator and unpacker.
- NoFuserEx - Free deobfuscator for ConfuserEx.
- ConfuserDeobfuscator - Deobfuscator for Confuser release
- Netguard-Unpacker-Public - Public NetGuard Deobfuscator
- de4dot-cex - de4dot deobfuscator with full support for vanilla ConfuserEx
- EazFixer - A deobfuscation tool for Eazfuscator.
- ClarifierEx - Deobfuscator for ConfuserEx
- ArchangeIUncloaker - Public ArchangelCloak Deobfuscator
- DeObfuscar - An open source deobfuscator for 'Obfuscar'
- DotWall-Deobfuscator - Deobfuscator for DotWall
- PhoenixDeobfuscator - PhoenixDeobfuscator is an open-source deobfuscator for PhoenixObfuscator
- deobfuscate-7dtd - A module-based deobfuscator for 7 Days to Die
- Crypto-Deobfuscator - A Deobfuscator for Crypto Obfuscator
- DNPDeobfuscator - Open-source deobfuscator for dotnetpatcher (
- NeonFuscatorDeobfuscator - .NET Deobfuscator for Autori Obfuscator (NeonFuscator)
- VRC-Photon-Deobfuscator - A program that automatically deobfuscates most necessary classes and functions for photon reversing/ exploiting.
- beeless - BeeByte Deobfuscator. Used it to deobfuscate an Unity3D Game. Alternatively, de4dot works aswell.
- PhpDeobfuscator - Decoder for obfuscated PHP code, written in C#
- DeobHellper - Yeat Another AutoIt Deobfuscator
- Deobfuscator - FOPO,Best PHP Obfuscator(pipo-mania)
- DotRefiner-Deobfuscator - Static DotRefiner Deobfuscator
- Skater.NetDeobfuscator - Deobfuscator for RustemSoft Skater.Net Obfuscator
- DeObfuscar-Static - Static Obfuscar Deobfuscator
- Deobf-DotNetPathcer - an basic deobfuscator for last version (at the moment) dotnetpatcher (v4.5.9.0)
- Noisette-Deobfuscator - A Deobfuscator for Noisette Obfuscator
- BabelDeobfuscator - BabelDeobfuscator is an open-source deobfuscator for BabelObfuscator
- OrangeHeap-Deobfuscator - Deobfuscates an Assembly protected with Orangeheap
- Rzy-Protector-V2-Unpacker - An unpacker (deobfuscator) for the protector (obfuscator) Rzy Protector V2.
- SpecterObfuscator-Deobfuscator - a deobfuscator for
- ConfuserEx-Dynamic-Unpacker - A dynamic confuserex unpacker that relies on invoke for most things
- YanoDeobfuscator - YanoDeobfuscator is an open-source deobfuscator for YanoObfuscator
- Dotwall-deobfuscator - A very simple deobfuscator for DotWall Obfuscator
- Panda-Deobfuscator - Panda Deobfuscator
- DeXoredMovs - A xored mov's deobfuscator
- DeConfuser - This is a deobfuscator for protected confuser assemblies
- JitUnpacker-Framework - A jit hook and unpacker framework
- ILProtectorUnpacker - ILProtector Unpacker Script
- UPU - Unitypackage Unpacker
- ConfuserEx-Unpacker-Mod-By-Bed - Edited copy of cawks confuserex unpacker, support more than your averageprogram
- ConfuserEx-Unpacker-2 - An Updated ConfuserEx Unpacker Based On Emulation to be more reliable
- Krawk-Unpacker - Krawk Unpacker
- ILUnpacker - A simple unpacker for ILProtector. Supported versions <=
- Macaron - Lightweight Archive Unpacker for various game archives
- OldRod - An automated KoiVM devirtualisation utility
- Themida-Unpacker-for-.NET - Themida Unpacker for .NET
- ILUnpacker - Different approach on unpacking ILProtector (Latest)
- BoxedAppUnpacked - Tool to unpack .net assemblies packed by BoxedAppPacker
- RzyFixer - A .NET Unpacker tool, with many features. Using dnlib assembly & cui for the design.
- CalliFixer - Here is a little program that remove calli protection from files, easy to use & easy to understand. Using the dnlib assembly.
- Base64Encoding-Fixer - Little tool that i made cuse i'm bored rn, fix the string encryption protection (the one which encrypt strings to base64 made by forgothisname). Using dnlib assembly.
- DoubleParseFixer - Little program that i made to fix Double Parse obfuscation. Using dnlib assembly.
- .NET-Virtualized-App-Patcher - This is a universal Patcher that I coded for Virtualized Applications. Protected by KoiVM/EazVM/AgileVM. The project idea wasn't mine at all it was by xsilent and Tobito and they released a txt that contains the tracer, uh I asked time for some infos and ended up coding my version.
- eazdevirt -Devirtualizer for Eazfuscator.NET
- SuperCalculator - Helpful tool which handle most operations used in obfuscation
- JIT-Freezer - This program is used to suspend applications with a native layer in order to dump them (Only .NET).
- SizeOf-Fixer -Fix the sizeof of assembly
- Mathematical-Operation-Simplifier -Mathematical Operation Simplifier for .NET Applications
- SizeOf-Replacer - SizeOf Replacer for .NET Applications
- Venturi77CallHijacker - KoiVM,EazVM,AgileVM Patcher
- Atomic-Deobfuscator - A deobfuscator for Atomic obfuscator
- EasyPredicateKiller - Replacing and Calling ConfuserEx x86 Predicates
- ConfuserExSwitchKiller - ConfuserExSwitchKiller
- ConfuserEx-Anti-Debug-Remover - ConfuserEx-Anti-Debug-Remover
- Junk-Remover - .NET attributes cleaner/Junk remover (nops).
- PointMutationRemover - Does exactly what the title says, removes Point Mutations. Only supported with 2D points at the moment.
- AssemblyRebuilderOld - [Obsolete] Fixup .Net Assembly dumped, if it can't work.
- AssemblyFixer - Fix assembly pe header and metadata errors
- ExtremeDumper - .NET Assembly Dumper
- Nemesis - A customizable process dumper.
- MegaDumper - Dump native and .NET assemblies
- DotNetCompressorDecompressor - Decompresses files compressed with
- BytePressDecompressor - Unpacks files compressed by BytePress(
- ILEmu - WIP IL Emulator for deobfuscation usage
- KsDumper - Dumping processes using the power of kernel space !
- DeBrainfuck - Static string decryption tool for xsilent007/StringsBrainFucked