
Locale detection for caddy

Primary LanguageGo

Locale detection for caddy

Configuration schema

locale <availableLocales...> {
  detect <methods...>
  cookie <cookie name>
  available <availableLocales...>
  path <path scope>

A method can be currently cookie or header. If cookie is added, cookie name defines from which cookie the locale is read. The header method extracts the locales from the Accept-Language header. The first availableLocale is also the default locale, which is picked if none of the locales from the detection methods is in availableLocales.

The defaults are: methods = [header], cookie name = locale, path scope = /.


locale en de {
  detect cookie header

rewrite {
  ext /
  to index.{>Detected-Locale}.html index.html

header / Vary "Cookie, Accept-Language"