
Yii 2.0 implementation of nested set behavior using jquery.nestable plugin (based on slatiusa/yii2-nestable).

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Yii 2.0 implementation of nested set behavior using jquery.nestable plugin based on nestedSortable jQuery plugin implementation.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

$ php composer.phar require simialbi/yii2-nestable "~3.0"

or add

"simialbi/yii2-nestable": "~3.0"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Make sure you've attached the NestedSetsBehavior (creocoder/yii2-nested-sets) correctly to your model.

And then render the widget in your view. An advanced example could look like this:

use simialbi\yii2\nestable\widgets\Nestable;
use yii\helpers\Url;
use yii\web\JsExpression;

echo Nestable::widget([
    'items' => [
            'content' => '<div><a href="#test">My Item</a><span class="handle"></span></div>',
            'options' => ['class' => 'list-group-item'],
            'listOptions' => ['class' => 'list-group'],
            'items' => [
                    'content' => '<div><a href="#testChild">My Child Item</a><span class="handle"></span></div>',
                    'options' => ['class' => 'list-group-item']
            'content' => '<div><a href="#test2">My Item 2</a><span class="handle"></span></div>',
            'options' => ['class' => 'list-group-item'],
            'listOptions' => ['class' => 'list-group']
    'clientOptions' => [
        'expandOnHover' => 700,
        'forcePlaceholderSize' => true,
        'handle' => '.handle',
        'isTree' => true,
        'items' => 'li',
        'placeholder' => 'placeholder',
        'startCollapsed' => true,
        'toleranceElement' => '> div',
        // this js event will be called on change order of list
        'relocate' => new JsExpression('function (evt, ui) {
            var context = null;
            var method = \'root\';
            var parent = ui.item.parent(\'ul\').parent(\'.list-group-item\');
            if (ui.item.prev(\'.list-group-item\').length) {
                if (parent.length) {
                    method = \'after\';
                context = ui.item.prev(\'.list-group-item\').data(\'id\');
            } else if (ui.item.next(\'.list-group-item\').length) {
                if (parent.length) {
                    method = \'before\';
                context = ui.item.next(\'.list-group-item\').data(\'id\');
            } else if (parent.length) {
                method = \'prepend\';
                context = ui.item.parent(\'ul\').parent(\'.list-group-item\').data(\'id\');
                url: \''.Url::to(['site/my']).'/\' + method,
                data: {
                    id: ui.item.data(\'id\'),
                    context: context

Your controller should then look like this:

namespace app\controllers;

use yii\web\Controller;

 * This controller provides move actions
class MyController extends Controller {
     * @inheritdoc
    public function actions() {
        return [
            'root'    => [
                'class'      => 'simialbi\yii2\nestable\actions\RootAction',
                'modelClass' => 'simialbi\yii2\nestable\models\ActiveRecord'
            'after'   => [
                'class'      => 'simialbi\yii2\nestable\actions\AfterAction',
                'modelClass' => 'simialbi\yii2\nestable\models\ActiveRecord'
            'before'  => [
                'class'      => 'simialbi\yii2\nestable\actions\BeforeAction',
                'modelClass' => 'simialbi\yii2\nestable\models\ActiveRecord'
            'prepend' => [
                'class'      => 'simialbi\yii2\nestable\actions\PrependAction',
                'modelClass' => 'simialbi\yii2\nestable\models\ActiveRecord'
            'append'  => [
                'class'      => 'simialbi\yii2\nestable\actions\AppendAction',
                'modelClass' => 'simialbi\yii2\nestable\models\ActiveRecord'


yii2-nestable is released under MIT license. See bundled LICENSE for details.