
Primary LanguageRubyGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


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What is Kuniri?


> Briefly, the main goal of Kuniri is: parse any kind of language, and generate a common model file with code information. We believe that Kuniri can be a base tool for other tools, like a diagram generator, traceability, code quality, documentation, and so forth. Initially, the main objective of Kuniri was to provide a way to dynamically generate diagrams and traceability based on code. However, the parser proved much more useful for many other kinds of applications; thus, the focus shifted to the parser creation.

Kuniri will inspect the source code, and extract information to generate a final output. This file is a XML file (and other types in the near future), and follows a strong pattern. This feature gives flexibility to other tools read the file and process anything they want.

Additionally, Kuniri was designed to grow to two main directions: support for different languages, and provide ways to select which kind of information to extract from the code.

What is the the meaning of "kuniri"?

Kuniri is an Esperanto word which means "go with" or "follow". This name was chosen because of the idea to keep following your code project with diagrams, traceability, code quality and others.


  • System Dependencies (Kubuntu/Ubuntu)
  • YARD 0.8
  • RSpec 3.1.7
  • Rake 10.4
  • Guard-rspec 4.2
  • nokogiri 1.6.6
  • Ruby version: 2.1
  • Run test suit
  • rake or spec
  • YARD documentation
  • yardoc


First of all, you have to install RVM. Instructions can be found on https://rvm.io/rvm/install

After this, you have to install the desired Ruby version with:

rvm install <version>

You can change the using ruby version with:

rvm use <version>

Then, install bundler with:

gem install bundler

Then, you have to install all the required gems with:

bundle install

Kuniri can be installed with:

rake install

After installing you can check the commands with:

kuniri -h

How to use

If you want to use kuniri in your project, first you have to create the ".kuniri" file. The example below shows the basic syntax:


Finally, you can run Kuniri in your project and extract the information with:

kuniri -e [file_name_output.xml]

-e means "extract mode".
