Veramo Agent Deploy

The official Veramo Docker agent is built from this this source.

Environment variables

These are the default environment variables use in the production config.


Set this to your base app url. Your default web:did will be based on this when it gets created on first run.


Used for authorization


Used for encrypting the database


The url where the agent will be accessible from


The port to run the server on


The database connection string for Postgres

Deploy to Heroku

You can deploy this directly to Heroku by clicking this button:


Deploy to Heroku using Docker

You will need to fork this repo and add the following key/value pair to the root of app.json. You can then use the same deploy button as above or use the Heroku cli.

  "stack": "container"

Deploy to Azure Pipelines

Coming soon

Deploy to Azure Pipelines using docker

Coming soon

Deploy to AWS

Coming soon