
My personal dotfiles managed by Ansible and GNU stow

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


My dotfiles managed by Ansible

Pre-Install Requirements

  • git


git clone https://github.com/simifalaye/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles

Terminal Applications

  • atool - Archive manager
  • bat - A better cat(1)
  • bitwise - Terminal bitwise calc
  • calc - Terminal calc
  • cheat - Cheatsheets from terminal
  • cloc - Count lines of code
  • delta - Better vim diff
  • elinks - Terminal web browser
  • exa - Better ls(1)
  • fd - Better find(1)
  • fzf - Terminal fuzzy finder
  • htop - A better top(1)
  • jq - CLI JSON processor
  • neovim - Best text editor!
  • ripgrep - Better grep(1)
  • rsync - Fast, incremental file transfer
  • tig - Better git log
  • tmux - Terminal multiplexer
  • trash-cli - Terminal trash tool
  • tree - File tree viewer
  • zoxide - A cd that learns
  • zsh - Best shell!