
A Docker base image for the SUMO traffic simulation package.

MIT LicenseMIT

SUMO Docker Base Image

A Docker base image for the SUMO traffic simulation package.

"Simulation of Urban MObility" (SUMO) is an open source, highly portable, microscopic and continuous road traffic simulation package designed to handle large road networks.

Run with Docker

This uses an automated build on Dockerhub: https://hub.docker.com/r/farberg/sumo-docker/ so you don't have to build the image for yourself.

docker run --rm -t -i -p 1234:1234 -v /some/local/path/to/your/data:/data farberg/sumo-docker

Example of using Sumo with Traci4J:

docker run -t -i --rm -p 1234:1234 -v /some/local/path/to/your/data:/data farberg/sumo-docker -c /data/cologne.sumocfg --remote-port 1234 -v

See also: