
Body-less Head-only Responsive CI Dashboard

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Body-less Head-only CI Dashboard built with MEAN stack and Socket.IO for Realtime monitoring.

####View Streams Sivart-CI Main View

####Expand Stream

enter image description here

How to Run


Once repo is cloned, run npm install in repo folder to install all dependencies. Note that MongoDB is currently accessed from Modulus.io and Database URL and Path are used from sivart-ci\configuration.json, in case you want to make any database changes, change variables accordingly.


Once dependencies are installed, run npm start and and open localhost:4000 in your web browser. In case you want to use different ports, change the same in configuration.json.

REST API to Create Sample Records

While the URL given in configuration points to MongoDB instance with some sample records available (which may not be permanent). So in case you're planning to make database changes, Sivart-CI already has REST endpoints available for required CRUD operations that you can manually use to create compliant Changelist records.

  • GET /api/changelists Gets all the available changelists from configured MongoDB server.
    "_id": "56589a208cc3ec6c2ede72a3",
    "changeListName": "432464",
    "owner": "JTuck",
    "timeStarted": 1400299920000,
    "__v": 0,
    "functionalTest": {
      "total": 16321,
      "passCount": 0,
      "duration": 0
    "unitTest": {
      "total": 345,
      "passCount": 0,
      "duration": 0
    "build": {
      "timeCompleted": 0
    "activity": {
      "phase": 0,
      "status": 0
  • POST /api/changelist Creates a Changelist item on server and returns id and status of operation. Request Body
    "changeListName": "432464",
    "owner": "JTuck",
    "timeStarted": 1400299920000,
    "activity": {
        "status": 1,
        "phase": 0
    "build": {
        "timeCompleted": 0
    "unitTest": {
        "total": 345,
        "passCount": 0,
        "duration": 0
    "functionalTest": {
        "total": 16321,
        "passCount": 0,
        "duration": 0


  "status": 1,
  "id": "56589a938cc3ec6c2ede72a4",
  "changeListName": "432463"
  • PUT /api/changelist/:changelist_id Updates a Changelist item on server for provided changelist_id. Request Body
    "activity": {
        "status": 0,
        "phase": 0


  "status": 1,
  "id": "56589a938cc3ec6c2ede72a4",
  "changeListName": "432463"
  • DELETE /api/changelist/:changelist_id Deletes a Changelist item on server for provided changelist_id. Response
	status: 1

Technologies Used

  • ExpressJS - Node HTTP Server.
  • Modulus - MongoDB Hosting Provider.
  • Mongoose - ODM for MongoDB.
  • Morgan - Logging for NodeJS applications.
  • Socket.IO - Socket support for NodeJS and WebSocket in Browser.
  • GruntJS - Build automation and Compass support.


Kushal Pandya