
Academy setup and configuration

Primary LanguageNginx

DHIS2 Academy Setup Guide - Ubuntu 16.04

This is a guide for setting up a DHIS2 Academy Server. It includes setting up one or more DHIS2 instances and Moodle. It is recommended to have at least 8GB RAM and an SSD.

This guide should be updated and sent out with the server to reflect the setup of the server. This means including information on all the DHIS2 instances if there are more than one etc.


  1. Intro
  2. Credentials
  3. General Information
  4. Setup using Clonezilla
  5. Setup from scratch
  6. Network
  7. Troubleshooting


This guide is split in two parts, the first part is the easy setup where you copy an existing harddisk image to your servers harddisk. The second part describes in detail how to set up a new server fresh. Configuration files are located here.


If you have a DHIS2 Academy server from earlier than 21.05.2016 these credentials might be different, check documents you recieved with the server. This is the standard configuration. Remember to update if there are more DHIS2 instances etc.

Service Format Credentials
Ubuntu Server (logon/ssh) username:password dhisadmin:dhis
Postgres root command sudo -u postgres psql postgres
DHIS2 instance and database name name dhis
Moodle admin user username:password admin:DHIS4ever!
Moodle Postgres username:database:password moodleuser:moodle:dhis
Router Admin username:password ubnt:ubnt
UniFi controller username:password dhis:dhis
WiFi SSID (no password) dhis2

General Information

  • Server IP:
    • Can ssh to it using ssh dhisadmin@
  • Domain: dhis.academy
  • Access server through or http://dhis.academy
  • Router admin panel can be accessed through
  • Web content is located at /var/www/
  • Clients (connected via WiFi or on port eth4) will be on the subnet.


  • Postgresql: /var/log/postgresql-9.5-main.log
  • DHIS2: /var/lib/dhis2/<instance name>/logs/*
  • Nginx: /var/log/nginx/*
  • Router and access point logs can be downloaded by running ./StandardConfig/getLogs.sh. This will ask for the passwords of the devices the logs will be downloaded from, check the credentials.


The equipment will be marked with numbers, it is important that only the matching numbers are connected!

Equipment Marked
EdgeRouter PoE, including power adapter (48V) #1
Server, including power adapter #2
WiFi Access Point Dual Band #3
WiFi Access Point 2.4GHz #4
Ethernet cables x3 -

All of the equipment is marked with numbers, only connect the corresponding numbers so that the equipment is not damaged.

Marked equipment

Setup using Clonezilla

Setting up an academy server using this part of the guide will require you to clone an existing server image onto your server using Clonezilla.

The destination partition must be equal or larger than the source one.


This will mostly be explained in pictures. You will need a bootable Clonezilla USB memory stick and a USB memory stick containing the SSD image (or get it from a SSH server). The pictures will show how to do it using a USB memory stick, but if you want to use a SSH server you can choose that option instead, the program guides you though the process.

Boot the server from the Clonezilla USB stick, choose default settings and then keyboard layout. Continue following the onscreen instructions or click the picture below for full picture guide.

Setup from scratch

For this method you can find configurations in the academy github repository. When the guide asks you to copy configuration files, the root will be this folder.

Server setup

  1. Download Ubuntu Desktop LTS 16.04
  2. Install it to a USB drive:
  1. Install Ubuntu on the server, use:
  • Username: dhisadmin
  • Password: dhis
  • Hostname: academyserver
  1. Install SSH, Postgresql and Nginx using the terminal:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y ssh postgresql nginx git

DHIS2 Instance setup

This is a guide for setting up a general DHIS2 academy server. The server will run one DHIS2 instance and Moodle. If you want to add multiple instances or additional services Nginx needs to be configured to handle this.

Installing the dhis2-tools

$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dhis2/dhis2-tools/master/install.sh
$ sudo chmod a+x install.sh
$ sudo ./install.sh

Postgres configuration

  1. Go to http://pgtune.leopard.in.ua/ and generate settings.
  2. Copy the settings into /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/dhis-postgres.conf.
  3. Include the configuration in the postgres config file /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/postgres.conf. At the bottom of the file write: include = 'dhis-postgres.conf'.

Set up a new DHIS2 instance

This method can be used to create multiple DHIS2 instances. In the guide only one instance will be set up. This guide uses the credentials described in the credentials section. For more information on the different commands see the man pages. Use $ apropos dhis to see which man pages are available.

  1. Create a DHIS2 admin account.
$ sudo dhis2-create-admin dhisadmin
  1. Create a new DHIS2 instance. The default port is 8080, you can change this by using the -p portNumber paramteter. Use the -p paramterer to create multiple instances, but remember to also configure Nginx for all the instances.
$ dhis2-instance-create dhis
  1. Configure the system to use HTTP instead of HTTPS. Edit /var/lib/dhis2/<instance name>/conf/server.xml. Change proxyport to proxyport="80" and scheme to scheme="http".
  2. (Optional) If you want to restore a database, do it before the next step. If you want an empty database, skip this step. Restoring a database is explained in Restore a database to a DHIS2 instance
  3. Deploy a WAR file to the DHIS2 instance. The standard command will get the latest stable version, see the man pages for other options.
$ dhis2-deploy-war dhis
  1. Configure Nginx with StandardConfig/nginx/academy.conf
$ sudo dhis2-nginx academy1604.conf
  1. Create the web folder and copy the provided content from StandardConfig/html/.
$ sudo mkdir /var/www
$ sudo chgrp www-data /var/www
$ sudo cp -r StandardConfig/html/* /var/www

You should now be able to access your DHIS2 instance in the web browser. Navigate to localhost and click the link to DHIS2. You can edit /var/www/index.html to fit your needs, for example if you have mutliple DHIS2 instances.

Restore a database to a DHIS2 instance

It is possible to use an existing database for a DHIS2 instance. Sample databases can be found at the dhis2 download page. Restore the database before deploying a WAR file.

$ wget https://www.dhis2.org/download/resources/2.23/dhis2-demo.zip
$ unzip dhis2-demo.zip
$ dhis2-restoredb dhis demo.sql
$ dhis2-startup dhis

Moodle setup

Moodle will automatically set up using the provided script. To set up Moodle run:

$ sudo ./StandardConfig/moodle/moodle_setup1604.sh

If you access Moodle through the IP address of the server or if you set up another domain than www.dhis.acadaemy you must change the wwwrootin /var/www/moodle/config.php. Example of the standard configuration:

$CFG->wwwroot   = 'http://www.dhis.academy/moodle';

For details about the setup, check the original guide here or look at the setup script.

Change user upload limit

The max upload size in Moodle is by default very low, this needs to be changed in multiple places to increase it. This guide will set the max upload size to 250MB. Edit the following files:

  1. In /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini set the following parameters:
  • post_max_size = 250M
  • upload_max_filesize = 250M Restart php by running sudo service php5-fpm restart
  1. Change Client_max_body_size 250M; in the Nginx configuration, this is set to 250MB if you used the provided configuration. Change it in /etc/nginx/sites-available/academy.conf and reload the settings by running $ sudo service nginx reload.
  2. You also have to change it in the Moodle settings:
  • Go to: Site admin > Security > Site policies. Change "maximum uploaded file size".
  • Go to: Site admin > Plugins > Activity modules > assignments > Submission plugins > File submissions. Change the max upload size.

DNS Setup

DNS server will be running on the server, in this guide we used academyserver as the hostname of the server. If you didn’t use academyserver as the hostname, replace it with your server’s hostname. The configuration files can be copied from StandardConfig/dns/.

  1. Add the domain name to /etc/hosts: localhost academyserver.dhis.academy academyserver
  2. Install Bind9

    $ sudo apt-get install bind9
  3. Edit /etc/bind/named.conf.local. Add forward and reverse zone:

    zone "dhis.academy" {
    	type master;
        file "/etc/bind/db.dhis.academy";
    zone "1.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
    	type master;
    	file "/etc/bind/db.192";
  4. Create and fill in the files that the zones from step 3 points to a. db.dhis.academy:

     $TTL	604800
     @	IN	SOA	academyserver.dhis.academy. dhisadmin.dhis.academy. (
     	      			4		; Serial
     	 			604800		; Refresh
     	  			86400		; Retry
     				2419200		; Expire
     	 			604800 )	; Negative Cache TTL
     dhis.academy.	IN	NS	academyserver.dhis.academy.
     dhis.academy.	IN	A
     academyserver	IN	A
     www	IN	CNAME	dhis.academy.

    b. db.192:

     $TTL	604800
     @	IN	SOA	academyserver.dhis.academy. dhisadmin.dhis.academy. (
     	      			3		; Serial
     	 			604800		; Refresh
     	 			 86400		; Retry
     				2419200		; Expire
     	 			604800 )	; Negative Cache TTL
     		 IN	NS	academyserver.
     ;@	   IN	NS	academyserver.
     2		IN	PTR	academyserver.dhis.academy.
  5. Comment out or delete include "/etc/bind/named.conf.default-zones"; from the /etc/bind/named.conf file. For more information on the DNS setup click here.


Network topology

Edgerouter PoE configuration

Detailed information and new firmware can be found here.

If the router has factory settings: set static IP on your computer, for example IP and Default Gateway Connect your computer to the eth0 port on the Edgerouter and navigate to in your browser. The username and password are both ubnt. Update the firmware of the router. If the router is preconfigured with our setup you will need to connect to eth4 to access the router and you do not have to set static IP.

The router configuration can be imported from StandardConfig/edgerouter/. When you import the settings remember to change the MAC address of where the static IP should be assigned , this is the servers MAC address. You can see an example here.

  • Set static IP for the server:
  • Set the Gateway IP to, this will be on port eth0.

  • Set Gateway IP to
  • Set DHCP for port eth2, eth3 and eth4.
    • Range 10-250
  • Set DNS to be (the servers IP).
  • Set eth1, eth2 and eth3 to be switched.
  • Set eth2 to use PoE 48V.
  • Set eth3 to use PoE 24V.

You can find pictures of the settings here.

Access Point Configuration

To configure the access points, you need to use the UniFi controller that can be downloaded from here. When it is installed, plug your computer into the router in port eth4 and start the UniFi controller program. The settings should be:

  • Update Firmware
  • Turn off DHCP
  • Set wireless SSID: dhis2
  • Set network to
  • Static IP is only necessary if you want to use StandardConfig/getLogs.sh to pull the logs to the server:
    • The UniFi Pro (dual band) access point will have static IP
    • The UniFi 2.4GHz access point will have static IP

You can find pictures of the settings here.


DHIS2 and Nginx

Problem Solution
When you attempt to access the site with your browser it does not connect. Either there is a network problem or nginx is not running. Check first to see if you can ping the host. If not, you have a network problem. If you can ping the site, the most likely problem is that nginx is not installed or is not running. Verify that nginx is up and running and listening on ports 443 and 80 by typing: sudo netstat -ntlp You should see the nginx process listening on those 2 ports.
You can access the site but you see a 502 gateway error in your browser. This means that nginx is unable to connect to your backend dhis2 instance. Either the instance is not running or your nginx location configuration has an error. Running the same netstat command above should show your instance listening on with a port number typically 8080 or whatever you have configured it as. If it’s not running, try to start it with dhis2-startup [instance name]. If it is still not running, check the log file with dhis2-logview [instance name] to see if there is any information indicating why it has failed to start. If it is running and you can see it with netstat then you need to check your nginx configuration file to ensure that the location is correctly mapped.
You can access the site but you see a blank page in your browser. This usually means that the dhis2 instance is running, but you have forgotten to deploy a war file to it. You need to run dhis2-deploy-war on that instance. See the reference section above for details of options.

DHIS2 automatic startup

If the DHIS2 instances doesn't automatically start you can change the following: In the file located at $JAVA_PATH/jre/lib/security/java.security change securerandom.source=file:/dev/urandom to securerandom.source=file:/dev/./urandom. More information about this bug here.