
A graphical IDE that uses Vim as its editor over the client-server protocol.

Primary LanguagePython

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1293

I personally believe that Pida offers a unique experience for programmers and other Vim users. It is essentially an IDE, except that it lives entirely outside the text editor (Vim) and all the other tools it uses.

It is written in Python, and uses the GTK toolkit.

Once installed, you can run Pida to connect to existing "vim -g" or "vim --servername <name>" sessions, or run in embedded mode, to embed a single instance of Vim much like a conventional IDE.

Please visit http://pida.berlios.de/ for the application website (there may be newer verisons there) for more details, or see a (large) screenshot of pida being used to develop itself at http://pida.berlios.de/images/5/5c/Pida_embed.png.

Pida is still early at this stage, and I very much appreciate all types of bug reporting, advice, criticism etc.