
Authors: Dev: Simmone Kelly, Nav Kairon | UX: Kelly Morgan, Peter Bow, Maddy Krishnamurthy

Cohort: Web Development 2022 (Part-time)

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Project Overview

1.1 Description

Q & A, A web based application with focus on an FAQ that would allow employees to feel connected and reduce anxiety associated with waiting for answers from HR enabling empowerment and saving company dollars

1.2 Problem

Within our problem space we focused on Workplace transparency. Transparency creates trust, improves morale, lowers stress, and boosts performance. We wanted to develop an application that directly caters to this need. Within our affinity mapping we found the main pain points to be focused around policy and employment rules

1.3 User Profile

Employee's who wwant to feel more in controll by getting answers to questions in regards to working in office at their respective corporation.

1.4 Requirements: Use Cases and Features

Ability to allow employee easy access to information to stay up to date about changes within the company so that they can feel informed and confident about their organization.

1.5 Tech Stack and APIs

Front-End: React

Back-End: NodeJS and Express

Libraries & Packages:

  • React Router 5.3
  • Axios
  • Sass