
Script to install Clang/LLVM with Google Sanitizers support.

Primary LanguageShell


This script download, build and install Clang/LLVM with Google Sanitizers support.


To compile Clang/LLVM you need a recent version of GCC >= 4.8.5 and, a CMake version >= 3.4.3.

Ninja build system is preferred. For more information how to obtain Ninja visit https://martine.github.io/ninja.


This script facilitate the build of Clang/LLVM with with Google Sanitizers support.

You can start the build process by running build.sh:

export LLVM_INSTALL=/your/install/path
./build.sh --prefix=${LLVM_INSTALL} myclang

The installation script will create a folder called myclang at the same level of the llvm_sanitizers directory and install Clang/LLVM into LLVM_INSTALL. If you do not specify the --prefix option, by default the script will try to install the software under /usr.

You can specify the --no-install option to skip the install (e.g. make install) and keep the executable under the build directory.

Once the installation completes, you need to setup your environement to allow Clang/LLVM to work correctly.

Please set the following path variables:

export PATH=${LLVM_INSTALL}/bin:${PATH}"

If you used the option --no-install you can setup your environment with the following commands (change /current/path/ with the path to the /build.sh script folder):

export PATH=/path/to/myclang/llvm_build/build/bin:${PATH}"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/myclang/llvm_build/build//lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"

To make the environment permanent add the previous lines or equivalents to your shell start-up script such as "~/.bashrc".


Running the command:

./install --help

shows the options available for building and installing Clang/LLVM.


  ./build.sh [options]

  --prefix=<value>             = Specify an installation path.
  --build-system=<value>       = Specify a build system generator. Please run
                                 'man cmake-generators' for a list of generators
                                 available for this platform. Default is Ninja.
  --release=<value>            = Specify the release version of Clang/LLVM that
                                 will be installed (>= 39). Default is 3.9.
  --http                       = Enables GitHub web url in case SSH key and
                                 passphrase are not set in the GitHub account.
  --update                     = Update previous building. Default is SSH.
  --build-type=<value>         = Specify the type of build. Accepted values
                                 are Release (default), Debug or RelWithDebInfo.
  --gcc-toolchain-path=<value> = Specify the GCC toolchain path.
  --no-install                 = Do not install.

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