
Primary LanguageJavaScript

BigLab 2 - Class: 2021 WA1

Team name: LUSIUM

Team members:

  • s290198 GALOTA SIMONE
  • s289376 PEPATO UMBERTO
  • s290683 PEZZOLLA LUCA


A general description of the BigLab 2 is avaible in the course-materials repository, under labs. In the same repository, you can find the instructions for GitHub Classroom, covering this and the next BigLab.

Once cloned this repository, instead, write your names in the above section.

When committing on this repository, please, do NOT commit the node_modules directory, so that it is not pushed to GitHub. This should be already automatically excluded from the .gitignore file, but double-check.

When another member of the team pulls the updated project from the repository, remember to run npm install in the project directory to recreate all the Node.js dependencies locally, in the node_modules folder.

Finally, remember to add the final tag for the final submission, otherwise it will not be graded.

List of APIs offered by the server

Provide a short description for API with the required parameters, follow the proposed structure.

  • [HTTP Method] [URL, with any parameter]
  • [One-line about what this API is doing]
  • [Sample request, with body (if any)]
  • [Sample response, with body (if any)]
  • [Error responses, if any]


A live OpenAPI (Swagger) documentation of our project is available at <server url>/docs.

List Tasks

URL: /api/tasks

HTTP Method: GET

Description: Retrieve the list of all the tasks

Request body: None

Response: 200 OK (success) or 500 Internal Server Error (generic error).

Response body: An array of Task objects.

[ {id, description, important, private, deadline, completed, user} ]

List Tasks (filtered)

URL: /api/tasks?filter=:filterName

HTTP Method: GET

Description: Retrieve the list of all the tasks filtered by a specific filter

Request body: None

Response: 200 OK (success), 400 Bad Request (invalid filter) or 500 Internal Server Error (generic error).

Response body: An array of Task objects.

[ {id, description, important, private, deadline, completed, user}, {} ]

Get a Task

URL: /api/tasks/:id

HTTP Method: GET

Description: Retrieve a task given its id

Request body: None

Response: 200 OK (success), 404 Not Found (invalid Task-id) or 500 Internal Server Error (generic error).

Response body: An object describing a task.

{id, description, important, private, deadline, completed, user}

Create a new Task

URL: /api/tasks


Description: Create a new task, by providing all relevant information (except the "id")

Request body:

    description: string;
    important: boolean;
    private: boolean;
    deadline: string;

Response: 201 Created (success), 422 Unprocessable Entity (invalid request body) or 503 Service Unavailable (generic error).

Response body: An object, describing a task.

{id, description, important, private, deadline, completed, user}

Update a task

URL: /api/tasks/:id

HTTP Method: PUT

Description: Update an existing task by providing all relevant information

Request body: An object representing the entire task

    description: string;
    important: boolean;
    private: boolean;
    deadline: string;

Response: 200 OK (success), 422 Unprocessable Entity (invalid request body) or 503 Service Unavailable (generic error)

Response body: An object, describing a task.

{id, description, important, private, deadline, completed, user}

Mark a task as completed/uncompleted

URL: /api/tasks/:id


Description: Mark an existing task as completed/uncompleted

Request body:

    completed: boolean;

Response: 200 OK (success), 422 Unprocessable Entity (invalid request body) or 503 Service Unavailable (generic error)

Response body: An object, describing a task.

{id, description, important, private, deadline, completed, user}

Delete a task

URL: /api/tasks/:id


Description: Delete an existing task by providing its code.

Request body: None

Response: 204 No Content (success), 404 Not Found (invalid Task-id) or 503 Service Unavailable (generic error).

Response body: None


URL: /api/login


Description: Login.

Request body:

    email: string;
    password: string;

Response: 200 OK (success), 404 Not Found (invalid email) or 503 Service Unavailable (generic error).

Response body: an object representing the user.

{id, email, name}


URL: /api/logout


Description: Logout.

Request body: None

Response: 200 OK (success), 404 Not Found (invalid email) or 503 Service Unavailable (generic error).

Response body: None